Are school librarians an endangered species?

Karen Bonanno believes school librarians will only become extinct if they allow it to happen (ASLA, 2011). Members of the profession must create clear goals and pursue personal development opportunities to ensure their skills remain viable and current. They can extend their learning by attending conferences and networking with peers (Bonanno,2015, p. 16).

Some areas of professional development will need to focus on technological advances as many schools and employers are expecting TLs to possess advanced skills in this area (Bonanno, 2015, p.18). Bonanno states that understanding school plans is a matter of importance (Bonanno, 2015, p.17) because teacher librarians must adapt to the needs of their schools in order to survive.


Australian School Library Association (ASLA) (2011) A profession at the tipping point: Time to change the game plan. Keynote presentation, Karen Bonanno . Retrieved from https :// vimeo .com/31003940

Bonanno , K. (2015) A profession at the tipping point (revisited). Access, March, 14-21

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