Principals and Teacher Librarians (ETL401 Forum 3.3)

‘Principal support is vital’ (Haycock, 2007, p.31). There are various ways principals and teacher librarians can work together:

*Principals can encourage relationships between classroom teachers and TLs and provide time for them to coordinate. Principals could also be involved in the consultation and planning processes. There is a correlation between student achievement and whole-school collaboration (Farmer, 2007; Haycock, 2007).

*Teacher librarians and principals should form clear goals. A ‘shared vision’ (Hancock, 2007, p.31) is an important aspect of the TL/principal relationship.
Principals must ensure librarians have the funding, resources and education they need to provide the school with relevant resources and services. Many principals identify funding as a key issue (Hughes, 2013).

*Principals can provide classroom teachers with educational opportunities in relation to using the library. High expectations of teachers will promote stronger relationships between teachers and TLs (Oberg, 2006).

*Effective communication must exist. TLs need to ensure the principal has a clear understanding of the library’s purpose (Oberg, 2006).

*Principals should model effective practices by visiting the library and promoting ‘positive reading experiences’ (Farmer, 2007, p.58).

*Teacher librarians can support the principal by researching issues relevant to education and school administration (Farmer, 2007).

Farmer, L. (2007). Principals: Catalysts for collaboration. School Libraries Worldwide, 13(1), 56-65.

Haycock, K. (2007). Collaboration: Critical success factors for student learning. School Libraries Worldwide, 13(1), 25-35.

Hughes, H. (2013). Findings about Gold Coast Principal’s views of school libraries and teacher librarians. Chapter 8, School libraries, teacher librarians and their contribution to student literacy development in Gold Coast schools. Research report.

Oberg, D. (2006). Developing the respect and support of school administrators. Teacher Librarian, 33(3), 13-18.

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