Search Engine

Kid’s Search

Kid’s Search is a search engine like Google but made for kids. The home page includes tips on how to be safe on the web and tools to make it easy to find what you need.


Before using the search engine, brainstorm some key words about your topic.

They could be general:

They could be specific:

  • Eureka Stockade
  • Kelly, Ned

Check out the Glossary for some more key words.

An asterisk (*) is a wildcard. You can place it at the end of a search word instead of using a different suffix. The search below will find all the websites that include Australia, Australian, Australians etc.

A search for Australia using the asterisk wildcard.

‘AND’ will make your search smaller. The search above will only find information related to Australian colonies.

If you want to find a certain type of information, like a picture, choose from the tools above the search bar.

If you want to find a picture, choose an image search from the tools above the search bar.

When you find a good website, remember to test it using the 5Ws of Website Evaluation.