Welcome to LAW314 Residential School. I hope this program is interesting, inspiring and provides new and lasting insights into opportunities for legal practice in a variety of rural, regional and remote contexts.
- Zoom room: Meeting ID: 947 0934 2272 /Passcode: law314 (days 1 and 3, there will be a different room for day 2 with the link provided via the subject site)
Haley McEwen
Subject Coordinator
Workshop Program
Please refer to the attached timetable for detailed information regarding session times, topics, format etc. If applicable, the link for connecting remotely to identified sessions can be found below (‘Attending remotely’).

LAW314 Residential School Program
Guest Speakers & Sessions
Subject Convenor & Guest Speaker: Haley McEwen |
24-26 August |
Haley McEwen (Lecturer in Law and Criminal Justice, Charles Sturt University |
Haley is a lawyer with experience across a range of civil law, having practiced in commercial litigation and dispute resolution in a large private firm, managed a broad scale pro bono practice and for the last 5 years worked in the community legal centre sector. |
On day one I will provide a brief introductory session with a focus on your upcoming assessments. Day 3 will include your law reform presentations and you will hear from guest speakers who practice in civil and criminal law respectively, on days 1 and 3. Day 2 will be hosted by Annette Goodwin and the Wiradyuri Elders who will lead our cultural immersion |
Guest Lecturer – Day 1 |
24 August 2020 |
Leiann Vicars
(Lawyer, Lecturer, CLSD Program Coordinator) |
Leiann Vicars is a sessional lecturer with Charles Sturt university, currently completing her Honours in Criminology with a focus on pathways in and pathways out of criminality, an examination into a rural Indigenous community. She has extensive experience in private legal practice, having worked as a Senior Associate in Intellectual Property law at Mallesons King & Wood and Freehills, Special Counsel at Corrs Chambers Westgarth and as an advocate for Disability Advocacy New South Wales. Leiann is also the current Cooperative Legal Service Delivery (CLSD) Program Coordinator for the Kempsey-Nambucca region of New South Wales.
On day 1, Leiann will talk to us about her focus on community engagement and strategic planning with CLSD as well as some of the contrasts between urban and regional legal practice |
Cultural Immersion with Wiradyuri Elders & Annette Gainsford |
25 August 2020 |
Annette Gainsford (Lecturer in Law and Criminal Justice, Charles Sturt University |
Annette has a particular interest in the social and political factors that affect successful outcomes for Indigenous Australians and has experience in advising on policies at regional, state and national level. Annette’s current PhD research focuses on the embedding of Indigenous knowledges in higher education curriculum encompassing international case studies in law.
During the cultural immersion on Tuesday, we will be fortunate to participate in a cultural experience led by local Wiradyuri elders that includes a number of stories, video footage and live forums.
Annette will speak to us both on day 1 (before the cultural immersion, for a cultural orientation that will recap what we’ve learnt, cultural protocols, the importance of respectful language and to answer any questions we have) and after the immersion on day 2, to lead us in a critical reflection that links the cultural experience with your final assessment task. |
Presenter – Day 3 |
26 August |
Rebecca McMahon (Solicitor and Adjunct Senior Lecturer, UNSW) |
Rebecca McMahon is a criminal defence lawyer in private practice. She is a member of the NSW Law Society’s criminal law committee and a Senior Visiting Fellow and sessional lecturer in the Law Faculty of the University of New South Wales, where she has taught Criminal Law, Litigation, Court Process, Evidence & Proof and supervises and lectures for the social justice internship program. Rebecca has previously been employed as a prosecutor with the NSW Office of the DPP as well as a defence lawyer with the NSW Legal Aid Commission and the Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT Limited.
On day 3, Rebecca will talk to us about her career path, various roles and opportunities pursued including working in a regional area. You will have an opportunity to ask Rebecca questions so come prepared to make the most of this opportunity. |
Preparation (readings, links, activities)
The following tasks are recommended prior to the indicated day:
Day 1
Readings | Files
- Liaise with your group to plan law reform presentation.
Day 2
Readings | Files
Complete the readings for learning modules 7A – Indigenous Law and Culture: Sovereignty & Legal Pluralism and 7B – Indigenous Social Justice & Indigenous Legal Services.
Familiarise yourself with the Guidelines for Ethical Research in Australian Indigenous Studies (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Rev 2nd ed, 2012), and
Working with Aboriginal Communities: A Practice Resource (NSW Department of Community Services, 2009).
Day 3
Readings | Files
Liaise with your group to finalise law reform presentation.