Session 2 Reflection

Session 2 certainly came with its own set of challenges; covid lockdowns, uni going online and everything be cancelled. This, like many, lead me to have to hustle for motivation as the days became blurred and the simple repeated routine became a drag. I have battled the roller coaster and found myself almost at the finish line with exams just around the corner.

ASC100 session 2 provided an intricate group project which was carried out over several weeks. Our group initially struggled to grasp an understanding of our topic, however we deliberated well as a team and I personally believe we presented a well done media presentation on the reintegration of Dingoes back into Pastoral Systems. During my research I really enjoyed the research as it opened up my understanding of our Australian outback and food chains, the importance of apex predators and the possibilities of integration and possible methods.

Overall, Introduction to Animal Science has allowed me to broaden my understanding of the different production systems and agricultural possibilities. I most enjoyed the practical components as I learn best seeing and doing and love to be engaged by the atmosphere, the people and the animals.

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