Chicken Prac Reflection

Being the very first Prac of not just the year and course but my whole University life, the excitement was overwhelming. I was told Charles Sturt was hand- on but I wasn’t expecting it to be straight off the bat. If I wasn’t sure of my choice to make the big move and choose Charles Sturt Wagga, I am now.  Animal research and developing a better understanding of them and their nature is a large drive of mine and thus, I was engaged from the start. Whilst I had owned chickens personally, I have never had much to do with the commercial industry of chicken meat. So, when it came to background research and comparing results, the depth of the concept of light for growth was new and enticing. Further, working as a group with many students I had never met really expanded my social connections but also allowed me to capture different perspectives on the task and better surround myself with like minded people. Over the 29 days, our group along with others, hit some speed humps such as illness, lack of communication and in some circumstances, some members not stepping up to the plate. Whilst this was a challenge, most issues were overcome, some with more effort than others. Finally, the report side of the practical is something I have done over many years and usually find a breeze. However, family circumstances, work commitments, sport and illness truthfully threw me and personally I feel as though I could’ve produced a better report. Yet, that just leaves me with something to strive to improve. Overall, the practical has set me up for a good start to my course and confirmed my choices and goals for my University course and career.

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