In reflecting on what I thought this whole experience thus far would be like, to what it truly has been, I could’ve never predicted the extent of every emotion and experience I was set to have. Being a Victorian girl from West Gippsland, the move to the “dust bowl in woop woop” was extremely daunting. it is one thing to move out of home, but another to pack up and move interstate, 6 hours away and left to completely fend for myself. Whilst I am highly independent, this was a very emotional challenge. Weaving my way through the doubts, worries and concerns, I found excitement and anticipation.
So there I was. Found myself standing at the door step of university, saying goodbye to what I once knew and having to find a way to open up to the new. And wow, am I glad I did. I came into this course with no expectations, no background and little knowledge of what I was getting myself into. I’ll be honest, like every 2nd person in my course, I am striving for Veterinary Science. This definitely still remains my goal and I will work my heart out till I get there, however, this course has taken me by surprise. My love for sciences has been fuelled, I have meet countless like minded people and beautiful friends and the hands-on work since the beginning has just confirmed how perfect the choice of CSU was.
Thus, whilst I will continue to work hard for Veterinary Science, I cannot wait for what is ahead of me in Animal Science. The hands on work, the socials, the numerous experiences and the personal growth. I am excited for it all.