The work featured in this issue includes:
- How the Contemporary Far-Right Have Popularised their Appeals: An Analysis of Far-Right Growth in the Australian Context by Chloe Smith and Derya Iner
- Why an Interest-Free Economy was Instituted from Early Religious Zeal by Romi Adetio Setiawan
- Ibn ‘Umar’s Interpretation of the Qur’ānic Verse ‘Fight them until Fitnah is No More’ and its Relevance to Contemporary Muslims by Mursal Farman
- Islam and Gender: Major Issues and Debates by Mouna Elmir
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The work featured in this issue includes:
- Islamic Studies in Australia’s Higher Education Sector by Halim Rane, Adis Duderija, and Jessica Mamone
- Some Critical Reflections on al-Jāhiz’s Notions of Tab’ and Tibā’ (Innate Dispositions) by Zaid Alamiri
- Law and Vision: A Reading of Islamic Culture and the Socio-spatial Structure of Traditional Settlements by Majdi Faleh
- Religious and Environmental Sustainability: Focusing on Some Practical Approaches by John B. Cobb. Jr and Seyyed Hossein Nasr by Md. Abu Sayem
- Civilised or Savage: The Effect of Colonialism’s Dichotomous Language on Views of Prophet Muhammad’s Leadership by Mostafa Hany El-Gashingi
- English Trabslations of the Qur’an: A Descriptive Comparative Study in their Aspects of Disagreement by Abbas Brashi
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The work featured in this issue includes:
- Islamic Studies in the Modern World by Jan A Ali
- Evidence Laws in Sharia and the Impact of Modern Technology and DNA Testing by Souha Korbatieh
- The Use of Historical Information in Conducting Content Criticism in Hadith by Mir Sadeq Ansari
- The Qur’ān as a Hidden Academy for Learning Dialogic Exchange by Mohamed Wehby
- Understanding the Australian Shi’ite Muslim Perspective on Ethics by Mohamad Younes
- Jihad in Violent Islamist Paradigm by Jan A Ali & Anum Sikander
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The work featured in this issue includes:
- Editor’s Introduction by Jan A Ali
- Australian Muslim Citizens: Questions of Inclusion and Exclusion by Nahid Afrose Kabir
- Citizenship in the Minds of Radical Islamists by Elisa Orofino
- The “Muslim Question” and Muslim Cultural Citizenship in Australia by Rizwan Sahib
- Muslim ‘Belonging’ in the West and Some Global Implication by Mohammed Jamal Haider
- Muslims as Archetypal Suspect Citizens in Australia by Jan A Ali
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The work featured in this issue includes:
- Disguised Commentary on the Quran: The Question of Form and Content in Rūmī’s Mathnawī by AbdulGafar Olawale Fahm
- Conversion to Islam: Review of Research COnducted between 2000-2020 on Western and Australian Converts to Islam by Bonne Martinot
- Brevity in Hadith Texts: Dating of Short and Long Version of the Hadith on Lapidation by Mohammad Said Arrahawan
- Indigenous Australians and Muslims: A History of Micro and Meso Dialogue prior to the 20th Century by David Sneddon
- Polarising Javanese Society: Islamic and Other Visions c. 1830-1930 (book review) by Jonathon Piasente
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The work featured in this issue includes:
- Towards Demystifying Islamophobia: A Muslim’s Perspective by Zouhir Gabsi
- Human Rights and Guilt by Association: Said Nursi’s Renewal Approach by Salih Yucel
- Religions and Environmental Ethics: A Comparative Study of John B. Cobb, Jr. and Seyyed Hossein Nasr by Md. Aby Sayem
- Inner Peace in the Life of Said Nursi by Zuleyha Keskin
- Gendered Morality: Male Normativity in Classical Ethics (book review) by Talha Rehman
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The work featured in this issue includes:
- The Qur’an and Interpretation in the Classical Modernism: Tafsīrcentric Approach of Muhammad ‘Abduh by Hakan Coruh
- The Qur’anic Exegesis of Muhammad Asad: The Mind, the Method and the Magnum-Opus by Murie Ahamed Hassan
- A Brief Review and Critical Analysis of the Major Theological Positions Classical Muslim Scholars Had on Whether Actions Are Part of Iman by Amer Ali
- Qur’anic Surahs’ Names: A Study on their Origin and Multiplicity by Ali Yunis Aldahesh
- Islam as Education: Pedagogies of Pilgrimage, Prophecy, and Jihad (book review) by Salih Yucel
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The work featured in this issue includes:
- Re-Examining the Story of Banū Qurayzah Jews in Medina with a Reference to the Account of Ibn Ishāq by Sadik Kirazli
- No Looking Back: Islam and Identity in Contemporary Australian Art by Sam Bowker
- An Assessment of Arberry’s Translation of Emphasis in Qur’anic Dialogue by Lama Edris
- On the Edge of Bultmann’s Demythologisation: Muhammad ‘Abduh’s Hermeneutical Avicennism on the Qur’an as a Source of Scientific Knowledge by Mohammad Abu Shareea
- Muslim Women, Domestic Violence, and Psychotherapy: Theological and Clinical Issue (book review) by Salih Yucel
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