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Why Some Muslims Embrace Conspiracy Theories about Coronavirus

While much of the world awaits a coronavirus vaccine, there is a vocal minority that seeks to explain away coronavirus with conspiracy theories — and Muslims, unfortunately, are not exempt from their allure.

Conspiracy theories are, of course, nothing new. But the complexity of contemporary life and the ease with which inaccurate information can be disseminated have created a fertile environment in which conspiracy theories can proliferate and grow. Recent research has laid out a number factors that might make people more susceptible to conspiracies: “those who feel disconnected from society, who are unhappy or dissatisfied with their circumstances, who possess a subjective worldview that includes unusual beliefs, experiences and thoughts, and do not feel in control of their life.” Social media, in turn, greatly amplify conspiracy theories.

Part of the attraction of conspiracy theories is the way they offer complete, if incredible, explanations for major events or complex problems — such as, “the Apollo moon landings were faked, 9/11 was an inside job, climate change is a hoax, JFK was assassinated by the CIA, the earth is flat, the pharmaceutical industry is suppressing a cure for cancer, vaccines cause autism and Princess Diana was murdered by the royal family.”

It is hardly surprising, then, that the COVID-19 pandemic should attract a disproportionate share of conspiracy theories. In the United States, 3 in 10 believe the virus was manufactured in a Chinese lab as a biological weapon.

No group is immune to conspiracy theories. However, each group may have different reasons for jumping on the conspiratorial bandwagon. Muslims may believe in conspiracy theories for the same reasons as others — such as mistrust in science and the suspicion that the “other” is trying to control them — but there are additional factors which make some Muslims particularly susceptible.

Over the last two decades, there are multiple conspiracy theories that have been promulgated by groups of Muslims: that the 11 September 2001 attacks were undertaken by Jews, and not Arabs; that Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the leader of Islamic State, was trained by Mossad and the CIA. In 2003, there was boycott of a polio vaccine by Nigerians who believed the vaccine was a ploy to infect Muslims with HIV.

The governments of Muslim-majority nations have also used conspiracy theories to push their agendas. So, for example, Saudi Arabia blamed the Shi’ites for the COVID-19 pandemic, while Egypt’s media initially dismissed the coronavirus as a hoax.

At a recent protest in north Melbourne during Victoria’s stage 4 lockdowns, there was a strong Muslim presence. Some associated with the group said they believed in a number of the conspiracy theories that had emerged since the pandemic began. They also mentioned the war on Iraq and the corrupt governments in the countries they come from, as reasons for not trusting what governments tell them.

In response to the police crackdown on Muslim protestors, a video was released. In the video, Sufyaan Khalifa urges Australian Muslims to stand up against “tyranny,” and calls Premier Daniel Andrews a “dictator.” That video has been viewed more than 14,000 times.

Lack of Trust within Muslim Majority Nations

Many Muslims in the West have very little trust in the government and media of the Muslim majority countries to which they are ethnically connected. Democracy, freedom of media, and personal freedom are significantly impeded in these countries. This, in turn, affects a Muslim population’s trust in anything the government or media states.

According to research recently undertaken by Dharish David, Nur Farwizah Adlina Binte Mazlan, and Nur Amirah Binte Abdul Manan, the larger the percentage of Muslims in any particular nation, the weaker their democratic performance tends to be. The authoritarian approach experienced by Muslims in these countries negatively affects their relationship with the government. Add to this a chronic mistrust in the media. The annual World Press Freedom Index listed 13 Muslim nations in its bottom 20 places. The government-controlled media in these countries means that accurate information is far from free flowing to its population.

Furthermore, personal freedom is highly restricted in many Muslim nations. 36 out of 40 Muslim countries have below the average personal freedom— which includes freedoms of movement, of expression and information. This leads to a prevailing sense that a government will stoop to any measure to control its population.

Lack of Trust within Western Nations

All these elements tend to make Muslims very suspicious of Muslim majority governments. But the suspicion they experience is not confined to live in those nations. Consider the Muslim experience in Australia, where they are consistently portrayed by the media and politicians alike as a problem, as foreign elements in the body politic, as unwelcome intruders. Such depictions often have severe ramifications for Muslims, leading to overtly Islamophobic violence.

This has a detrimental effect on the levels of trust that exist between Muslims, state and federal governments, and the media. Is it any wonder, then, that many Muslims embrace conspiracy theories in which the state is seizing extra powers over the lives of its citizens, such as lockdowns, compulsory wearing of face masks, and social distancing restrictions? Likewise, the mistrusted media’s dissemination of information regarding the dangers of the virus falls on deaf ears — which is to say, ears that have learned to tune-out the misinformation that all-too-often has the dangers of Muslims as their subject.

The Cost of Conspiracy Theories

The widespread embrace of conspiracy theories concerning the coronavirus has had a pronounced effect on strategies implemented to curb its spread or elimination, and it will eventually have an effect on the uptake rates of the COVID-19 vaccine, once available. Increasingly, I fear, protests will be embraced as a way of claiming freedom over against a government which is unnecessarily restricting it. Refusing to be tested for COVID-19 may also be a by-product of mistrust, because of the lack of confidence in the accuracy or accuracy of the tests themselves.

Many Muslims already struggle to socially distance due to the communal aspect of Islam. Going to the mosque once a week, where hundreds will be present, is a common practice for many Muslims. Furthermore, keeping family ties, visiting the sick, and looking out for the elderly are inherent aspects of the Islamic tradition and Muslim culture. All these practices are restricted or even banned in some places like Victoria due to COVID-19.

There are also Muslim who have outright refused to receive the vaccine before it is even available. Different faith groups have different reasons for rejecting the vaccine — including the method by which vaccines are developed. An additional sticking point for many Muslims is the content of the vaccine, with many Muslims scholars and clerics issuing fatwas (Islamic rulings) that declare the vaccine to be Islamically impermissible because of the pork content they allege that they contain (for Muslims, consumption of any amount of pork is not allowed).

How to Move Forward?

Most Muslims are taking the coronavirus seriously and are intent on doing the “right thing” to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Many mosques have been closed during the pandemic — truly a significant moment in the history of the Muslim world. Hajj was significantly scaled down this year. Only 1,000 local pilgrims took part in Hajj compared to the usual two million international pilgrims.

However, more must be done to reduce the spread of conspiracy theories. The Australian government and media must build trust within the Muslim community. This is a long-term project. In the meantime, trusted Muslim leaders and clerics, alongside Muslim medical experts and epidemiologists, need to speak out about the existence of coronavirus, its dangers, and the importance of following restrictions to prevent its spread.

Such measures will not only save lives; they will contribute to the health of the body politic, of which Muslims are a part.

*This article was originally published by Dr Zuleyha Keskin in The ABC Religion & Ethics on September 30, 2020. To view the original article, click here

About the Author

Zuleyha Keskin is the Course Director and Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation, Charles Sturt University. Zuleyha is a co-founder of ISRA Australia and the Managing Editor of the Australian Journal of Islamic Studies. 

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