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Writing for Mainstream Media: Part 2

Jun 30, 2021 | Media Workshops | 0 comments

Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation (CISAC) hosted Scott Stephens for its second Media Workshop. As the ABC Religion and Ethics online editor, Scott delivered information and strategies about writing op-eds. He also gave the audience hope to be heard and understood and the courage to start brand new conversations in the media space.

An important point of the workshop was the moral compass needed in every step of writing (including selecting the media outlets). Scott encouraged the vision to think big and start writing from one’s tradition whilst still moving beyond, connecting with other human beings and finding oneself back at the start point, only more enriched.

Scott Stephens of ABC Religion and Ethics gave us excellent reasons to write op-eds on worthwhile topics.

Scott Stephens is the ABC’s religion and ethics online editor, and the co-host (with Waleed Aly) of The Minefield on ABC Radio National. His book “On Contempt” is forthcoming with Melbourne University Press, and he is delivering the 2021 Annual Simone Weil Lectures on Human Value at the Australian Catholic University.

To access the materials from this workshop, see the links below.

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