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Assoc. Prof. Salih Yucel
Assoc. Prof. Salih Yucel

Salih Yucel is a lecturer at Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation, Charles Sturt University…

Dzavid Haveric

Dzavid Haveric is a historian and an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation, and the Centre for Public and Contextual Theology at Charles Sturt University…

Dr Derya Iner
Dr Derya Iner

Derya Iner is Senior Lecturer and Research Coordinator at the Centre for Islamic Studies, Charles Sturt University, teaching and researching subjects on contemporary issues related to Islam, Islamic cultures and Muslims…

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Dr Zuleyha Keskin

Zuleyha Keskin is the Course Director and Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation, Charles Sturt University. Zuleyha is a co-founder of ISRA Australia and the Managing Editor of the Australian Journal of Islamic Studies, a double-blind peer reviewed academic journal. Zuleyha’s main research interest lies in Islamic spirituality, having completed her PhD on inner peace from an Islamic perspective. She also focuses on the research areas of; Islamic studies in the West and topics where theology and contemporary issues intersect.

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