Film & TV

Films and TV shows can be a great source of information. Kanopy hosts wonderful science and nature documentaries, and Kanopy Kids has curated lots of great quality movies, shows and documentaries. Explore books adapted into short films under ‘Storytime’ and science and nature through shows and documentaries.

You might also like to (re)visit the Story Box Library included on the Databases page.


  • You’ll need your library membership number and PIN to login. Instructions for access are here. 
  • Try searching Kanopy Kids under ‘Browse > by genre > history, science and languages’ for shows about animals. 
  • Within the main section of Kanopy, you can explore wonderful science and nature documentaries. ‘Recently added‘ will show you new documentaries, like David Attenborough’s Life in Colour. Other categories make it really easy to explore: marine biology, animals in the wild, endangered species and animal rights. 
  • Practice a key word search!