In our courses, all assessment items are submitted electronically through EASTS. More information about the details of the EASTS program are located here.
Each subject Interact site has an EASTS portal to submit and retrieve assignments. I suggest that as you are granted access into subject interact sites, that you go into the EASTS area to check where and how you can submit your assignments. That is also a place where you can also see your assignment due dates, in addition to those formally being shown in the Subject Outline.
EASTS is used by all schools of Charles Sturt University, and as such there may be times where a considerable number of assignments are being submitted through EASTS across the University. Try to avoid ‘last minute’ submission of your assessment work by giving yourself plenty of time to submit and check your work prior to the due date.
It is strongly advised that you thoroughly check that your work has been submitted fully and correctly into EASTS on each occasion. EASTS offers you the ability to be able to immediately see on your screen the content of the file that has actually been submitted and then received by the university, so take advantage of that. Should you have concerns or problems with submission, you should contact your subject coordinator for advice and assistance.