Determinism, the theory that everything that happens must happen as it does and could not have happened any other way. (Cambridge Dictionary, retrieved from
A new term and a new philosophy! A philosophy that seems to give people no free will or decision making powers. I would rather not see the human race as a helpless being, going through time and space with no input or impact on the process! Not in line with my idea of free will.
The truth is, we are run by the technology and the few among us controlling and developing it. We are exposed to concepts we knew nothing about and never knew we needed. We are convinced we somehow need it, do a complete 360 and can not live without it!
Who could predict Facebook and Google “talk” to each other and show you the things you need because you searched for the product just a few hours earlier? Or that your lights, heating and appliances can be remotely operated? In the future we will be travelling in cars that drive themselves. Is it determinism? Or is it big companies and business pushing these changes along? Do we still have the choice to opt out and go off the grid?
For some the change is great and they can not wait to jump in and experience the thrill of new and exciting technologies. For others it is all moving way too fast and it is hard to keep up with.
Whichever group you belong to, I believe the technology is already a big part of modern life and will only increase its dominance. Better buckle up and hold on tight….