INF506 Module 5- OLJ Task 13: Information trends

OLJ Task 13: Information trends

Watch the video and identify five (5) examples of ‘shifts’ or trends that can have an impact on how individuals behave as a digital citizens. Then outline (in around 400 words) how you believe these behaviours can impact on the need for, and development of, information policy in organisations to address these behaviours. You may wish to explore these from either a user/customer perspective or employee/employer perspective, or a combination of both, and you may wish to consider this task within the specific context of your own library and/or organisation, or you can address this task in general terms.

Word count: 434

1) 28% of 18-24s use social media as their main source of news

2) 54% of Facebook users only use their mobile to access the platform

3) 88% of Facebook ad revenue and 86% of Twitter ad revenue comes from mobile ads

4) 95 million photos and videos are posted on Instagram every day

5) 3 billion snaps are sent out each day


How can these behaviours impact on the need for, and development of, information policy in organisations to address these behaviours?

Di Gangi, Johnston, Worrell & Thompson (2018) discuss what can go wrong in social media and, from the above list, two things that stand out to me are the risk of over-sharing on social media in an effort to compete with the enormous amounts of content being produced each day and unreliable user-generated content.

As the sheer amount of content posted each day continues to increase, it is important that organisations do not become obsessed with producing meaningless posts to ‘keep up’ with others. Instead, it is important that social media is making positive, lasting impacts on the community and contributing to goals and targets as part of the social media strategy (King, 2015). Developing policy on the type of content and the brand of the organisation is vital to developing a cohesive social media strategy (Rathore, 2017).

Di Gangi, (2018) warn against the risk of decreased productivity of staff due to preoccupation with social media platforms in the name of work. To prevent this, information policy should include guidelines as to how long and how many posts should be published over a time period and who should be involved to ensure continued staff efficiency in other areas and reduce staff distraction. Additionally, specifying who is involved (manager, committee members etc.) allows for monitoring of post content to ensure that the organisation and brand is being represented in the best light (Di Gangi, et. al., 2018; Rathore, 2017).

With such a high percentage of 18-24s utilising social media as their main source of news there is a risk that unmonitored posts may contain incorrect information, which is then distributed and circulated as fact. This could lead to reputation damage for various parties and infringement of copyright and other laws (Di Gangi,, 2018; Meese & Hagedorn, 2019). As such, the development of factual accuracy in information policies is essential to preventing the spreading of misinformation. For example, implementing fact checking and publishing procedures prior to posting can prevent miswritten facts and avoid implying offence.

Knowing that such a large percentage of revenue is driven by mobile phone usage and advertisement, and that a large number of social media users only use their mobiles to access different platforms, content must be developed to be suitable, specifically, for mobile devices (Rathore, 2017; Adner & Kapoor, 2016). It should be considered on an individual basis, whether or not organisations require paid social media advertising. Bunker (2017), explains in her case study that the ‘Seed Library’ did not utilise paid advertising, but instead relied upon existing and developing networking connections across social media and in the local community with successful outcomes.


Adner, R., & Kapoor, R. (2016). Right tech, wrong time. Harvard Business Review, 94(11), 60-67.

Bunker, L. (2017). Picking a platform and finding a voice. In S. W. H. Young & D. Rossmann (Eds.), Using Social Media to Build Library Communities : A LITA Guide. Blue Ridge Summit, UNITED STATES: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Di Gangi, P. M., Johnston, A. C., Worrell, J. L., & Thompson, S. C. (2018). What could possibly go wrong? A multi-panel Delphi study of organizational social media risk. Information Systems Frontiers, 20(5), 1097-1116. doi: 10.1007/s10796-016-9714-2

King, D. L. (2015). Analytics, goals, and strategy for social mediaLibrary Technology Reports, 51(1), 26-32.

Meese, J., & Hagedorn, J. (2019). Mundane content on social media: Creation, circulation, and the copyright problem. Social Media + Society, 5(2). doi:10.1177/2056305119839190

Rathore, S. (2017, August 22). 7 Key steps in creating an effective social media marketing strategy. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

INF506 Module 4- OLJ Task 11: PLN adoption

OLJ Task 11: PLN adoption

Based on Utecht’s 5 stages of PLN adoption, identify which stage you currently see yourself experiencing and how this impacts on your personal and working lives. Also identify any ‘gaps’ in your existing PLN (ie. areas which you feel you would like to develop further/in the future). Write around 400 words.


word count: 407

After examining Utecht’s (2008) 5 stages of PLN adoption, I would say I am currently somewhere between Stage 4 Perspective and Stage 5 Balance. I usually tend to fall back into Stage 3 Know it all, during the holiday period to ‘catch up’ on everything I have been too busy to do during the school terms. Eventually, though, I realise I am in over my head and taking on so much information at once is not actually benefitting me or developing my understanding on a topic. Also, it takes away from a lot of time spent with family and friends, something that teaching already does throughout the school year and so I have decided to use my holidays to focus on one thing at a time, for example, university, rather than cramming in multiple PLN courses by online providers, as I was doing previously. I am also focussing more on developing my personal creativity over the next 39 weeks via a challenge started on January 1 in an effort to disconnect from work and develop skills, hobbies and relaxation time outside of work. Hopefully, this challenge will also provide me the opportunity to connect with other creative minds in the local community and start to develop ties that keep me grounded.


Reading and Writing

I would like to refresh my knowledge on the infants reading and writing strategies as well as find a refresher course for Focus on Reading- a course I completed many years ago and have not had the opportunity to use since. From memory it was very useful and I would like to have the tools to take on a full time class if and when necessary.


I also plan on developing my Science toolkit this year as I have taken on Science RFF one day a week across multiple stages. My goal is to make these very short periods of time engaging and rewarding for students so that they come in quickly, settle and are excited to learn for that one hour.



Utecht, J. (2008). Stages of PLN adoption. Retrieved from


INF506 Module 4- OLJ Task 7: Embracing a Library 2.0 ethos

OLJ Task 7: Embracing a Library 2.0 ethos

Consider the services discussed by Laura Cole in relation to a library or information agency that you know (as an employee or user). Select four key points made by the speaker, and consider how these may be applied to a library or an organisation you are familiar with to help it embrace a Library 2.0 ethos. Write 300 – 400 words.

Word count: 443

In recent times, librarians have had to question the definition of their job role and have been referred to as ‘information specialists’ (Purcell, 2010), ‘gatekeepers of knowledge’ (Ciccone & Hounslow, 2019) and now ‘liberators’ and ‘active navigators’ (Cole, 2016). This change of defined role provides librarians with the chance to expand their knowledge base, develop skills and consider functional choices within the library space. Time and resources can be spent in new ways, rather than just sourcing, stocktaking and maintaining physical resources (Novonty, 2017).

Cole (2016) had some interesting points regarding library digitisation. While she maintained that there would always be those users who prefer paper books, she pointed out that ‘digital (technology) changes the way the patron interfaces with the library’ (Cole, 2016) and used examples of incarcerated juveniles or deployed military personnel able to access library books and articles on devices. This idea can be expanded on to include children and adults living and working in rural environments in outback Australia. By digitising collections, librarians are not disadvantaging those who cannot physically get to a library and removing time limitations, allowing access to information any time of day or night (Cole, 2016; Lee, 2013; Craver, 2002). In my own experience, I have established and promoted two particular digital library programs run through my school; the NSW DET Orbit program and a paid encyclopedia-esque subscription available to students via their school log-in, ensuring both are monitored and protected by the department security and guidelines.

Cole (2016) went on to explain that the digitisation of libraries can open up space that was previously claimed by physical collections, allowing for the development of learning hubs, social hubs and access points. Additionally, due to the variety and global availability of many sources, a collection can reach across multiple mediums, allowing more accessibility to various interests (Moroni, 2012). These spaces are already being developed into learning hubs for BYOD programs in schools (Adams, 2012) and ‘makerspaces’ (Dunford, 2016). Personally, I have begun to reduce the number of paper books in my school library and have set up multiple workstations in the resulting space while allowing for flexible seating and interactive learning. I intend to investigate makerspaces in the near future to determine the necessity and usefulness in my library.

Finally, I particularly liked the use of the Bibliotech emblem as an HQ code. It was eye-catching, identifiable, allowing for a cohesive look across the brand (Civitello, 2018) and very practical for digitally aware and conscious users. I would consider employing this in my school library, particularly for the older students in an effort to encourage them to access the library database and online content at home.



Adams, H. R. (2012). Bring your own device (BYOD) and equitable access to technology. School Library Monthly, 28(8), 25-26. Retrieved from

Ciccone, A. & L. Hounslow (2019). Re-Envisioning the Role of Academic Librarians for the Digital Learning Environment: The Case of UniSA Online. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 16(1). Implementing online learning: Stories from the field, Article 11. Available at

Cole, L. (2016). BiblioTech as the re-imagined public library: Where will it find you? Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2016- Columbus, OH- Connections. Collaboration. Community. in Session 213- Metropolitan Libraries.

Craver, K. W. (2002). Creating cyber libraries: an instructional guide for school library media specialists. Available from

Dunford, H. (2016). Makerspaces in libraries (Library technology essentials). The Australian Library Journal, 65(2), (132-133). DOI: 10.1080/00049670.1182160

Lee, M. (2013). Digital normalisation, school evolution and BYOT positioning in the school library. Retrieved from

Moroni, A. (2012). Weeding in a digital age. Library Journal, 137(15). Retrieved from

Purcell, M (2010). All librarians do is check out books, right? A look at the roles of a school media specialist. Library Media Connection, 29(3), 30-33. Available from

INF506 Module 3- OLJ Task 6: Virtual and augmented reality

OLJ Task 6: Virtual and augmented reality

After reading the articles above, write a post of 400 words that considers one advantage of the use of either virtual or augmented reality, and one disadvantage. Discuss in relation to a library or information organisation that you are familiar with.


Word count: 353

At the basis of AR/VR is the idea of creating an environment (Hannah, Huber & Matei, 2019) and allowing people to try or experience new things. In the library context, it is an opportunity for texts to come to life, allowing for better student and reader engagement, for example, Hannah et. Al. (2019) mention the book ‘Ready Player One’, a text about AR/VR that has been made into a film. The idea is already out there and has been for some time, it is now a matter of creating the adaptable technology at an affordable price and disseminating it across multiple platforms with ease.

AR/VR is a combination of books, film and music as well as an extension from there, particularly if participants can alter the environment with their own choices. This opens up the opportunity for countless possibilities in terms of teaching and learning, engagement, exploration, empathy and understanding (Hannah et. Al., 2019). Although there are doubts that AR/VR can completely replace the need for a face-to-face curriculum, there is a place for it in the primary and secondary curriculum, with high hopes for successful integration into higher learning (Hannah et. Al., 2019). Developing staff confience and competency in AR/VR would lead to engaging and interesting units in work in various KLAs with integrated technology that will, no doubt, be a relevant part of the students life soon after leaving school should technology continue down this path

One large disadvantage of AR is that users in libraries are reluctant or annoyed by having to download new or different software to their personal devices to utilise the AR programs and that libraries cannot share homegrown content easily because of technical barriers (Dan, 2019). The lack of immediate ease of use certainly impacts on the popularity of this creative device. However, phone applications like ‘Pokemon Go’ are the first step towards successfully implementing AR/VR into the mainstream population (Dan, 2019). If libraries can adapt and develop programs that allow AR/VR to be easily shareable and accessible, there are countless possibilities and opportunities for new worlds previously only on paper to be constructed and explored.


Dan, L. (2019). Create efficient, platform-neutral, web-based augmented reality content in the library. Code4Lib Journal(45). Retrieved from

Hannah, M., Huber, S., & Matei, S. A. (2019). Collecting virtual and augmented reality in the twenty-first century library. Collection Management, 44(2-4), 277-295. doi:10.1080/01462679.2019.1587673


INF506 Module 3- OLJ Task 5: Social news sites

OLJ Task 5: Social news sites

Check out two of the social news sites listed above. How do these platforms help you improve the relevance of the articles recommended to you? How could these sites be used in a professional sense? What issues could you identify when using them? Write a post of 400 words in your OLJ.

Word count: 377

Reddit & Newsvine

My initial impression of Reddit was that it was very amateur-looking and disorganised with headlines like ‘Mechanics of Reddit, what’s the dumbest thing you’ve seen someone do to their vehicle?’. Additionally, the layout is very similar to a Facebook or Instagram feed, making it easily accessible to audiences and the joining of ‘communities’ quick and easy, but not something I would count on for current and accurate news. Then, I noticed the like scales on the left and I suppose that the most ‘liked’ story at that point in time gets pushed to the top, which explains the seemingly random order of articles. Additionally, I noticed the brackets to the right of each article, eg, self.Ask.reddit,, which, I have to assume give an idea as to who has published or contributed to the story. This would influence how legitimate I view the story. Part of the problem, however, is that sites like Reddit and Wikipedia are open to public editing and contribution, meaning people can post just about whatever they like in these forums. It is difficult to confirm the relevance and sincerity of each article without further investigation, however, sites like these could serve a purpose in businesses if you are investigating current trends, info grabs and determine whether or not your product/business/story is being shared and liked.

Newsvine, when I opened it was much more pleasing to look at with its clearly organised sections and, at first glance, I would not have known it was a ‘wiki’. Additionally, the viewer is immediately presented with a different content, most stories relating to politics in some way. It isn’t until you scroll down that you encounter pop culture news. Again, I would prefer to confirm the stories found on this site on my own, but I would consider it more reliable than Reddit simply because of its layout and choice of content. This site could be utilised in business to track political trends, however has little to do with current popular trends and does not, from what I can tell, accept contributions by the general public. I feel like this site would be more utilised by professional business people with an interest in politics and little time to read long, jargon-filled articles.

INF506 Module 3- OLJ Task 4: Twitter feeds

OLJ Task 4: Twitter feeds

Explore two of the Twitter feeds listed above. Write a post for your OLJ of around 400 words that includes the following:

Compare and contrast the Twitter presence of the two organisations. What type of content do the organisations tweet (and retweet)? What audience are they appealing to? Do they appear to be successful? Analyse why or why not.

Word count: 373
    1. 1 million followers
    2. Share own videos using own hashtag #unescoGC
    3. Posting their own campaigns, #WorldHeritage events and human interest stories
    4. Uses retweets
    5. Audience: general public, activists, potential donors/volunteers
  • ALIA National- Australian Library and Information Association
    1. 8 thousand followers
    2. Shares images and surveys
    3. Posting about different literary events and days using various hashtags and links to other organisations websites
    4. Does not usually retweet
    5. Audience: library and information professionals

I would have to say in terms of getting and holding attention, I think UNESCO is more successful than ALIA National, simply because they want people to take action on the things they are presenting so they have used various forms of media on their Twitter feed to engage the short attention span of most people. On the other hand, ALIA National are targeting professionals already working in the industry, not trying to continually entice a new audience, and providing these professionals with opportunities to engage in different programs related to their department.

I think most people would feel UNESCO’s feed is more interesting because of the amount of videos and positive images they have used to bring peoples attention to issues and injustices. By varying their media, they are catering to all kinds of people with various interests and skills. ALIA is more cut and dry, less interactive because it is catering, specifically to the professionals and leading them away from Twitter to gather information.

Additionally, ALIA uses more technical jargon than UNESCO, whose language is targeted toward the general public. In order to engage with some of the ALIA posts, you would have to be aware of or working within the industry whereas UNESCO’s less formal approach could be found to be more appealing to the wider public.

While both accounts use hashtags to group and link their posts, UNESCO reuses their hashtag to make the audience familiar with them, specifically, while ALIA posts different hashtags for each post, I am assuming related to the posts, without any of their own presence represented. By adding their own hashtag to things, other could retweet, not only using the @ function, but also the shorter hashtag, allowing them to potentially trend more regularly.


INF506 Module 2- OLJ Task 3: Reflections on the impact of change

OLJ Task 3: Reflections on the impact of change

After exploring the resources… choose two ways that you see social media has impacted on an organisation you are familiar with. This could be a business, an institution or a government department. Identify the organisation and write 400 words explaining and analysing the impact.

Word count: 361

Department of Education and Training (DET), NSW Government ( and NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) (

1) Curriculum changes- the curriculum has been altered multiple times in its existence. More recently, with the development of new technologies and increasingly prominent use of social media in developed countries, NESA has addressed social media in its standards for senior students:

‘respond to social media texts, for example contribute to a class blog, comment on a social media post’ (Year 11-12, English, English Life Skills, Outcome 6)

This would suggest that the government is recognising that social media is large influence predicted to be a part of students lives beyond their education. By acknowledging social media as a tool for students to develop competencies in, NESA and the DET has begun to address a sometimes outdated curriculum in an effort to provide students with relevant life skills. This acknowledgement of social media, from my experience is beginning to filter into the lower years with ‘cyber safety’ being a large focus in education due to the saturation of personal hand-held devices and access to laptops and therefore, the internet. This has resulted in staff needing to be up-to-date on relevant cyber safety and social media information in an effort to help prepare and protect students, some as young as five, who are now accessing multiple platforms online.

2)The DET has established a Social Media page on their website ( detailing which departments use which platforms, including links for the public to follow. I think that this is a very positive step, allowing the public to access caches of information, previous conversations and immediate announcements.

Additionally, the DET has developed a specific ‘Social Media Policy’ and ‘Social Media Toolkit’ to support staff development of professional social media accounts, provide guidelines for expectations and behaviours and to provide avenues for complaint or issues that arise either via social media or as a result of social media in schools. By establishing itself on these social media platforms, it has provided the world an example of  what the DET considered acceptable conduct online, and can be held to account should this conduct be breached by employees of the DET.


Department of Education and Training (DET). Social media policy, implementation procedures, November, 2018. Retrieved from

Department of Education and Training (DET). (2019) Social media. Retrieved from

Department of Education and Training (DET). (2019) Social media toolkit- education week 2019. Retrieved from

INF506 Module 2- OLJ Task 2: The influence of technology on society

OLJ Task 2: The influence of technology on society

“…summarise in 400 words what you know and think about the influence of technology on society in general and specifically on organisations. What are some of the main points organisations have to consider that they may not have had to consider in the past?”

Word count: 347

I believe technology has had a great impact on society and the running and actions of organisations. It is difficult to move anywhere in the modern world without encountering some form of developed technology, whether it be in the form of mobile phones, laptop computers, electronic cash registers or moving billboard advertisements. Developing technology continues to mould the shape of our social and business ecosystems.

First, with the development of technology, organisations have gained immediate and impactful access to individuals via television advertising and the internet. A focus on product and company ‘branding’ (Harper, 2015) or how organisations are ‘seen’ has developed to saturate social media and television advertising and production. This will have increased sales, demand for product and transactions, as well as providing immediate avenues for review and feedback on products/services. Additionally, technology has allowed for the development of global connections and ‘interorganisational partnerships’ (Rathi, Given & Forcier, 2014) that were previously impossible due to time and distance.

Technology and the laws that have come to support its prolific use and development, provides the public with easy access to company policies and decisions in organisations. As such, all organisations are being ethically monitored, challenged and held accountable for their impact on the environment and the social ecosystems in which they operate (Livermore, 2012) in real time.

Organisations now need to consider all of these aspects, plus the development of staff specialist knowledge to best access and utilise these technological resources. It has been found that while the purchase of new technology is carefully considered, the training needed by staff to understand this technology is often underestimated (Gaimon, Ozkan & Napoleon, 2011).

Some organisations are a direct result of developments in technology (the internet led to Facebook, Instagram & Google) and have continued to value and promote technology innovation within their workplace, establishing tech-friendly office spaces, work environments and mentalities (Waber, Magnolfi & Lindsay, 2014). These, and other organisations, must consider what it means to maintain relevance in a constantly changing ecosystem (Adner & Kapoor, 2016) and how to compete with new technologies as they develop.


Adner & Kapoor. (2016). Right tech, wrong time. Harvard Business Review, Nov 2016, (94) 11. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University website:

Gaimon, C., Ozkan, G. & Napoleon, K. (2011). Dynamic resource capabilities: managing workforce knowledge with a technology upgrade. Organization Science, 2011 (22) 6.

Harper, F. (2015). Success in programming how to gain recognition, power, and influence through personal branding. 1st Edition. Berkley, CA. ISBN: 1-4842-0001-2

Livermore, C. R. (2012). E-Politics and Organizational Implications of the Internet: Power, Influence, and Social Change. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0966-2

Rathi, D, Given, L. M. & Forcier, E. (2 Sept. 2014) Interorganisational partnerships and knowledge sharing: the perspective of non-profit organisations (NPOs). Journal of knowledge management. ISSN: 1367-3270

Waber, Magnolfi & Lindsay. (2014). Workspaces that move people. Harvard Business Review, Oct 2014. Retrieved from

INF506 Module 1- OLJ task 1: Social Media and Society – Journal Article Analysis

OLJ task 1: Social Media and Society – Journal Article Analysis

Access this journal, Social Media and Society, and read one article from the current issue that appeals to your interests. In a blog post, provide a brief description and an analysis of the article of your choice. Do you agree with the authors? If not – why not? (350-400 words).

Word count: 382

Description and Analysis: Using social media networks to engage men in conversations on masculinity and suicide: Content analysis of Man Up Facebook campaign data.

This article used content analysis on social media responses to determine the impact of Facebook’s ‘Man Up’ campaign, encouraging men to speak up about their emotional health and wellbeing. The research was carried out as the program was being released as a three-part television series and onto social media. The authors collected posts and comments of people’s reactions to investigate the responses being voiced. The authors of this paper helped design the program and were attempting to determine whether social media can be used as part of health campaigns to open dialogue and awareness about complex social and mental health issues and potentially change attitudes.

Schlichthorst, King, Phelps and Pirkis (2019) predicted that ‘A population-based multi-level health promotion intervention that takes advantage of a variety of communication channels… is expected to be most effective’. Their use of social media as a second, but equally important platform in their campaign allowed space for conversations to start up following the television release. They recognised that, after such a potentially uncomfortable, relevant and often taboo subject being aired, the public required a safe space in which to share their opinions, stories and feelings. Luckily, most of social media responded positively to both the campaign and the responses of others to it. I think this was a clever way of reaching an increasingly tech-savvy audience and supporting their original release material. Additionally, by establishing this campaign in social media domains, they have allowed viewers to access and respond to the information presented at their own time and pace.

The authors examined ‘masculine norms’ and stereotypes common to most Western areas, resolving that, perhaps, we should be more open minded and broaden our narrow definition of ‘masculinity’. By addressing these ‘norms’ directly, they asked viewers to question their own, often ingrained beliefs and broaden their own expectations. They started conversations about ‘masculinity’ and what it is to be ‘a man’ in todays world.

Schlichthorst et. al. (2019) also discussed the benefits of information and health sharing on social media, explaining that visible conversations happening resulted in expanded ‘conversation circles’ and more information getting out there. Notably, they recognised that social media has the potential for harm as well as good but shared positive facts, reiterating that social media has also helped combat feelings of suicide and stigma.


Schlichthorst , M., King, K., Phelps, A. & Pirkis, J. (2019) Using social media networks to engage men in conversations on masculinity and suicide: Content analysis of Man Up Facebook campaign data. Social media & society, Sage Journals.


INF506 Assessment item 1: OLJ creation and first entry

INF506 Assessment item 1: OLJ creation

1. Define what social networking means to you in a professional sense

The online Cambridge Dictionary (2019) provides two definitions for ‘social networking’

“1) The use of websites and other internet services to communicate with other people and make friends

2) The activity of sharing information and communicating with groups of people using the internet, especially through websites that are specially designed for this purpose”

When I think of ‘social networking’, I automatically have an image in mind of a physical conference with numerous professionals in suits with pens, perhaps a more traditional view.

Combining these ideas, taking into account the age of technology in which we live today, I would have to say that professional social networking is:

The act of communicating with others by engaging in internet-based environments, to form professional contacts, using these links to share information, ask questions and develop programs and abilities. Social networking also provides the opportunity for engaging new audiences, advertising and developing products and promoting events.

As time goes on, I am sure I will adapt my definition as my understanding expands.

2. List what social networking technologies and sites you already use (for personal, work and study purposes)

Currently, I use Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, WhatsApp and Weebly in my personal life. I also use Yammer, Interact2, SkoolBag, ClassCover and professionally. I have a Twitter account but have not used it regularly for some time.

3. Describe what you expect to learn from completing INF506

I would expect to come across some new social media platforms and perhaps gain some specialist experience in the more mainstream platforms while developing ideas on how to integrate them into the school environment. I would like to find out how other schools are using social media to engage the community and which platforms they prefer. I would also like to come up with a plan to employ in my school environment in the coming year.

 Reference List

Social networking (2019) In Cambridge Dictionary: English Dictionary. Retrieved from