ETL503 202030 on haitus

Update: Due to the stress and madness  COVID-19 has cultivated, I have decided to give myself a break and have dropped one course for this semester, halving my workload, letting me concentrate on my mental wellbeing and my work, which allows to me to pay bills and eat etc.

I hope everyone is taking care of themselves out there and reaching out for help when needed. It is ok not to be ok!

ETL503 & ETL504- Subject Introductions

Welcome back to all continuing students!

This semester I have taken on ETL503- Resourcing the Curirculum & ETL504- Teacher Librarian as Leader. Both of which have intense reading and group work components, but only 2 assessments each.

I am a little dubious about group work and what other elements the lecturers want from us, particularly as work is starting to pick up again but, onwards and upwards!

At time of posting, it is Week 2 in the new semester and I already feel a little overwhelmed- I have never done a case study before and have ahd to print it out to take it all in and make notes. Hopefully it is addressed 1 step at a time. Also, the first online meeting for one subject has already been bumped back so I feel like I haven’t even started on that one and I know from previous subjects that this course has a ton of readings associated.

Feeling dubious and nervous, but wish me luck!