INF506 Assessment item 1: OLJ creation
1. Define what social networking means to you in a professional sense
The online Cambridge Dictionary (2019) provides two definitions for ‘social networking’
“1) The use of websites and other internet services to communicate with other people and make friends
2) The activity of sharing information and communicating with groups of people using the internet, especially through websites that are specially designed for this purpose”
When I think of ‘social networking’, I automatically have an image in mind of a physical conference with numerous professionals in suits with pens, perhaps a more traditional view.
Combining these ideas, taking into account the age of technology in which we live today, I would have to say that professional social networking is:
The act of communicating with others by engaging in internet-based environments, to form professional contacts, using these links to share information, ask questions and develop programs and abilities. Social networking also provides the opportunity for engaging new audiences, advertising and developing products and promoting events.
As time goes on, I am sure I will adapt my definition as my understanding expands.
2. List what social networking technologies and sites you already use (for personal, work and study purposes)
Currently, I use Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, WhatsApp and Weebly in my personal life. I also use Yammer, Interact2, SkoolBag, ClassCover and professionally. I have a Twitter account but have not used it regularly for some time.
3. Describe what you expect to learn from completing INF506
I would expect to come across some new social media platforms and perhaps gain some specialist experience in the more mainstream platforms while developing ideas on how to integrate them into the school environment. I would like to find out how other schools are using social media to engage the community and which platforms they prefer. I would also like to come up with a plan to employ in my school environment in the coming year.
Reference List
Social networking (2019) In Cambridge Dictionary: English Dictionary. Retrieved from