What is information?
From this module, I have learned that information is a complicated concept but there are two main types of information: semantic & classic.
Semantic information is concerned with meaning, without getting hung up on how it is delivered. Classic information seems to be more scientific in process, able to be measured and defined (Fitzgerald, 2019).
How does the information affect how we communicate, learn and use information?
Information has made it much easier to communicate in previous years, across country and internationally, personally and for business. It has helped create new jobs and areas of speciality in business. Advancements in information technology has also helped develop education, provide it to those who, previously found it out of financial or physical reach and create resources and programs within classrooms to support students of all ages. Additionally, the development technology allows people to access information immediately, as Floridi (2007) predicted, making information and technology a part of real life (RL) so much so that some people find it impossible to consider life ‘before’.
Fitzgerald, L. (2019). The Information Environment. In ETL401: Introduction to Teacher Librarianship, [Module 2]. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University website: https://interact2.csu.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_42381_1&content_id=_2899398_1&mode=reset
Floridi, L. (2007). A look into the future impact of ICT on our lives. The Information Society, 23, 59-64. CSU Library
2.2 ‘Information society’
What do you think this term means?
‘Post-industrial society in which information technology (IT) is transforming every aspect of cultural, political, and social life and which is based on the production and distribution of information. It is characterized by the (1) pervasive influence of IT on home, work, and recreational aspects of the individuals daily routine, (2) stratification into new classes those who are information-rich and those who are information-poor, (3) loosening of the nation state’s hold on the lives of individuals and the rise of highly sophisticated criminals who can steal identities and vast sums of money through information related (cyber) crime (WebFinance, 2016).’ (Fitzgerald, 2019)
I connected more with this second definition and appreciated the specific nature of it. Defining information is a complicated concept (Fitzgerald, 2019) and many have tried to do just that with limited success. Looking more broadly at the infosphere (Floridi, 2007) requires a closer look, rather than a broad brush approach.
For each of the characterisations in the above definition, I can think of an immediate example, most of which directly relate to my own experiences:
- It cannot be disputed that IT is much more integrated and prevalent in everyday life today than, even, fifteen years ago. Hand-held mobile devices, Smart TV’s and increasingly inexpensive portable laptops and tablets mean information is readily on-hand at any time. The availability of internet connectivity with the development and implementation of wi-fi in public spaces also contributes to the current ease of information access.
- The development and availability of technology providing access to information has helped create a new class divide in society. Initially, individuals who could afford to buy expensive lap-tops, mobile phones and other personal technological devices had an immediate advantage over their less financially capable counterparts. They were able to develop new skillsets and access new areas of commerce and finance that were unavailable without the right equipment.
More recently, with the increased presence of technology in education, personal lives and business, the physical devices required to access information have become less expensive and seen less as exclusive and more mainstream, necessary for everyday life, as Floridi (2007) predicted. That said, there remain certain brand names and models that maintain elitist advertising campaigns, targeting those individuals, businesses and schools with a higher spending bracket. - The rise in cybercrime in recent years can be clearly seen in local and international news. The Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN) reported a rise of around 20% in cybercrime from 2017-2018 (Reddie, 2019). The more development in technology, the ore highly skilled criminals are operating in society as characterised by the above definition.
Why is it important for the teacher librarian to have an understanding of the information landscape?
Due to the pervasive nature of ICT (WebFinance, 2016), it is imperative that TL’s possess a relevant and broad understanding of the information landscape for a number of reasons. The idiom ‘forewarned is fore armed’ comes to mind when considering the information society.
It is important to help students develop a firm understanding of the information society at an appropriate level and to also provide support and guidance when accessing the information landscape for their learning and socialising.
Floridi (2007) predicted that ICT would evolve to the point of ‘a-live’ (artificially live), for example, self driving (or autonomous) cars that are predicted to be on our roads some day soon (Porter, 2012; Niccolai, 2012; BMW.com; Allianz.com.au). In the very near future, TL will be teaching students who have never known life without an extremely high level of integrated ICT, if it isn’t already happening. These students will have huge stores of prior knowledge and an elevated ICT skillset that generations before had not had the opportunity to develop. As it is, TL’s are already experiencing this with social media platforms, email and the use of Google. As such, it is the TL’s responsibility to keep up with changes to provide quality, relevant teaching and learning opportunities and develop the necessary higher order thinking skills needed to be a productive member of society.
Additionally, TL’s need to accept the fact that their physical resources will, more than likely, become totally digitised in the future (Ciccone & Hounslow, 2019) and familiarise themselves with appropriate online software and programs to support their fellow teachers and students.
Allianz.com.au (n.d.) Self-driving cars- the future of motoring? Retrieved from Allianz Australia website: https://www.allianz.com.au/car-insurance/news/self-driving-cars-the-future-of-motoring
BMW.com (n.d.) The path to autonomous driving. Retrieved from BMW website: https://www.bmw.com/en/automotive-life/autonomous-driving.html
Ciccone, A. & L. Hounslow (2019). Re-envisioning the role of academic librarians for the digital learning environment: The case of UniSA online. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 16(1). Implementing online learning: Stories from the field, Article 11. Available at https://ro.uow.edu.au/jutlp/vol16/iss1/11
Fitzgerald, L. (2019). The Information Environment. In ETL401: Introduction to Teacher Librarianship, [Module 2]. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University website: https://interact2.csu.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_42381_1&content_id=_2899398_1&mode=reset
Floridi, L. (2007). A look into the future impact of ICT on our lives. The Information Society, 23, 59-64. CSU Library
Niccolai, J. (2012). Self-driving cars a reality for ‘ordinary people’ within 5 years, says Google’s Sergey Brin. Retrieved from Computerworld website: https://www.computerworld.com.au/article/437481/self-driving_cars_reality_ordinary_people_within_5_years_says_google_sergey_brin/#closeme
Porter, I. (2012). Autonomous cars soon. Retrieved from https://www.goauto.com.au/news/general-news/technology/autonomous-cars-soon/2012-07-20/22168.html
Reddie, M. (2019). Cybercrime skyrockets in NSW as murders and robberies fall. Retrieved from ABC News website: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-11/cybercrime-skyrockets-in-nsw-as-murders-and-robberies-fall/10776982