INF506 Module 3- OLJ Task 6: Virtual and augmented reality

OLJ Task 6: Virtual and augmented reality

After reading the articles above, write a post of 400 words that considers one advantage of the use of either virtual or augmented reality, and one disadvantage. Discuss in relation to a library or information organisation that you are familiar with.


Word count: 353

At the basis of AR/VR is the idea of creating an environment (Hannah, Huber & Matei, 2019) and allowing people to try or experience new things. In the library context, it is an opportunity for texts to come to life, allowing for better student and reader engagement, for example, Hannah et. Al. (2019) mention the book ‘Ready Player One’, a text about AR/VR that has been made into a film. The idea is already out there and has been for some time, it is now a matter of creating the adaptable technology at an affordable price and disseminating it across multiple platforms with ease.

AR/VR is a combination of books, film and music as well as an extension from there, particularly if participants can alter the environment with their own choices. This opens up the opportunity for countless possibilities in terms of teaching and learning, engagement, exploration, empathy and understanding (Hannah et. Al., 2019). Although there are doubts that AR/VR can completely replace the need for a face-to-face curriculum, there is a place for it in the primary and secondary curriculum, with high hopes for successful integration into higher learning (Hannah et. Al., 2019). Developing staff confience and competency in AR/VR would lead to engaging and interesting units in work in various KLAs with integrated technology that will, no doubt, be a relevant part of the students life soon after leaving school should technology continue down this path

One large disadvantage of AR is that users in libraries are reluctant or annoyed by having to download new or different software to their personal devices to utilise the AR programs and that libraries cannot share homegrown content easily because of technical barriers (Dan, 2019). The lack of immediate ease of use certainly impacts on the popularity of this creative device. However, phone applications like ‘Pokemon Go’ are the first step towards successfully implementing AR/VR into the mainstream population (Dan, 2019). If libraries can adapt and develop programs that allow AR/VR to be easily shareable and accessible, there are countless possibilities and opportunities for new worlds previously only on paper to be constructed and explored.


Dan, L. (2019). Create efficient, platform-neutral, web-based augmented reality content in the library. Code4Lib Journal(45). Retrieved from

Hannah, M., Huber, S., & Matei, S. A. (2019). Collecting virtual and augmented reality in the twenty-first century library. Collection Management, 44(2-4), 277-295. doi:10.1080/01462679.2019.1587673


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Teacher. Traveller. Food lover. I have been teaching for nearly nine years in a variety of roles on both contract and casual basis. I have taught all over the NSW coast and spent 2 years teaching in East London. I am looking for a role in schools that reignites my enthusiasm and love of education. Where else but the library?!

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