week 2

Week 2:

Name: Hamza Zulfiqar
Project Title: Big Data Applications such as Healthcare.
Week No: 2 Date: 9th-March-2021
Planning: Project Title Selection and Approval
One Week I planned to select the project title in the 2nd Week of March and with that I decided to do some research for finding some different datasets related to healthcare. So that with the Project title selection I would show that datasets to subject Supervisor Then the actual thing happened when I showed the selected topics for my project title. My subject Supervisor advised me to go with Impact of Big Data Applications such as Healthcare. Good.
ISSUES Finding datasets related to different diseases and finding the algorithms too.
Before submitting the project title my plan was to show some of the datasets related to the project title so that my supervisor should be known that how much I have interest in this project. And also finding some algorithms and perform predications also. 7th-March-2021 My research was being going on and on the project title selection day I have only five datasets which I could have shown to my supervisor else I was failed in to find the algorithms at that time. But after project selection I have found many data mining algorithms and datasets too. Yes

Week 2




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