Is the consumption of processed foods the smoking of our generation?
By Belinda Dunn |
Subject: HPE | Year Level: 8 | Learning Scenario:
Students will explore the question ‘Is the consumption of processed foods the smoking of our generation’ Students will engage with and respond to a variety of textual information that will shape their understanding of the impacts of processed foods on health. Using their own points of interest as a focus, students will work in teams of three to research, plan and develop a Product (e.g. Healthy Living Plan or Health Promotion Campaign) to provide guidance/advice for individuals wanting to lead a healthier lifestyle and prepare video presentation. |
Investigate & select strategies to promote health, safety & wellbeing (ACPPS074) Evaluate health information & communicate their own & others health concerns (ACPPS076) Investigate & select strategies to promote health, safety & wellbeing (ACPPS073) |
Guided Inquiry Stage | What the teaching team is doing | What the students are doing |
Open: | Discuss with students the Guided Inquiry Process, the steps involved in the process, unpack the task and set expectations of the ‘product’ that must be creative, energetic and clearly demonstrate that students have become experts in healthy lifestyles and leave the audience feeling uplifted and motivated to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Students introduced to Google Classroom if they have not used it before and an explanation of using Classroom is provided – all student work will be undertaken within the classroom. Each Inquiry Circle will also have a class where they can complete their research and collaborate on their learning goals.
Introduce and explain the student food diary and assist students as required.
Watch: That Sugar Film – by Damon Gameau.
Assist students as required and encourage discussion in regards to students’ daily food intakes, things they are surprised and interested in from watching That Sugar Film and completing their diary.
Listening and asking questions in regards to the tasks they will have to complete in order to develop a deep understanding of the expectations of the task.
Students to undertake preliminary access of Google Classroom if they have not used it previously.
Complete a food diary for a regular day and highlight in blue the foods they believe are most unhealthy.
Watch and note down facts from That Sugar Film
Students to return to their food diary and highlight in pink additional foods they can now identify as less healthy.
Google Classroom: · Food Diary · That Sugar Film summary notes page
That Sugar Film
TT reflection notes:
Guided Inquiry Stage | What the teaching team is doing | What the students are doing |
Immerse: | Guest speaker (Doctor and Dietician from the local area) to present to students the major health problems that are currently present and what may be major health problems in the future if changes do not take place.
Facilitate discussion and notes: why do processed foods cause health problems?
Students engaged with the speakers and have the opportunity to reflect and ask questions through using the linoit page ( as the experts speak.
Students begin to fill out the root cause tree to create a mindmap of the main issues associated with processed foods and then discuss in groups to come up with their top three issues for the group.
Discussion and completion of notes, adding to mindmap.
Highlight points of interest to them or topics they would like to learn more about |
Experts in Health – local doctor and dietician. Google Classroom · Root Cause Tree
TT reflection notes:
Guided Inquiry Stage | What the teaching team is doing | What the students are doing |
Explore: | Library lesson – station work
Facilitate a lesson where students explore various QR stations around the library which provide information and advice on major health problems associated with processed food consumption & healthy food and lifestyle alternatives.
Students introduced to bibliographic tools ( and also skimming techniques (
Introduce the resources page for students to use to further develop their understanding on the issues associated with processed foods. Encourage students to use skimming techniques.
Students to imagine life or the constraints brought about by associated health problems, their reactions to the health issues and their ideas for promoting healthy food and lifestyle decisions.
In pairs students familiarise themselves with and
Students use the resources page to look at reliable sources, taking notes on topics of interest to them and referencing articles using the techniques they have learnt. |
Resources: Presentation on research skills and referencing Google Classroom: · Student diary pages on referencing · Student resources page · Student reflection page |
TT reflection notes:
Guided Inquiry Stage | What the teaching team is doing | What the students are doing |
Identify: | Conferences with students to help identify an inquiry question based on student interest from previous lesson and guide students in selecting their inquiry circle groups.
Assist student inquiry circles to develop an effective inquiry question based on interest and importance, help guide students in writing their question.
Create Google Class for each Inquiry Circle where they will save their groups work and work collaboratively on their Inquiry Question.
Discuss with the teaching team their interest and identify a key inquiry question.
Form inquiry circles based on their interests and through discussions with their inquiry circle create a mindmap of their initial ideas.
Inquiry circle develops a key inquiry question from their mindmap of ideas based on interest and importance.
Google Classroom: · Student Reflection page · Bibliography page
TT reflection notes:
Guided Inquiry Stage | What the teaching team is doing | What the students are doing |
Gather: | Provide assistance and advice to students as required, ensuring students are using valid and reliable information, supporting students to update their bibliography pages as they complete further research on their inquiry question.
Guiding students to ensure they are selecting relevant information which will answer their inquiry question. |
Students to continue to use the resource page as a basis as well as their own comprehensive research to gather detailed information relating to their inquiry question.
Students continue to complete ongoing bibliography list
Students summarise, evaluate and select the most important information from their research and begin to organise their work for their product.
Ss choice of novel Novel study matrix Stickies and 4C’s LJ |
TT reflection notes:
Guided Inquiry Stage | What the teaching team is doing | What the students are doing |
Create and Share: | TT to provide short tutorial how to use iMovie and the features of engaging presentations
TT to work with individual groups on supporting their ideas with evidence and addressing opposing viewpoints as part of their presentation, as well as helping students to assess weaknesses in their positions
IC working independently to complete the task
TT to work with students as required
Gather class and view presentations, facilitate discussion of concepts.
TL to arrange for iMovies to be uploaded to school website |
Students design and create their ‘product’ from the information and evidence they have gathered.
Students to present their ‘product’ to their peers and a panel of experts.
View presentations from each IC, complete thinking hats evaluation of each
iPads LJ |
TT reflection notes:
Guided Inquiry Stage | What the teaching team is doing | What the students are doing |
Evaluate: | TT evaluate the unit and process, using TT reflection notes from each stage
TT discussion about strengths and weaknesses of the process for TT and Ss
TT and Ss discussion of the process |
Ss complete a 3,2,1 evaluation summary and answer the questions:
What did I learn about my own research process? How successful was our inquiry circle? How successful was our presentation at getting our point across? Is there anything I would do differently next time?
TT reflection notes LJ |
TT reflection notes:
TT: teaching team TL: teacher librarian ET: classroom teacher Ss: students IC: Inquiry Circle
Rubric for research skills
The student has developed the ability to:
E | D | C | B | A |
Locate at least one source, may not be relevant. Attempt to use source to address the question. | Locate at least one relevant source and use it to address the question. | Locate a variety of sources, demonstrate sound use of the sources to support their thinking and address differing viewpoints | Locate a variety of sources demonstrating a consistent use of sources to support their ideas.
Demonstrate critical thinking in their use of texts and sources Address differing viewpoints using some evidence. |
Locate a variety of relevant, high quality sources and demonstrates consistent sophisticated use of sources to support their ideas through a critical analysis of texts and sources.
Use sophisticated thinking processes and evidence in addressing differing viewpoints. |
A Festival of Dangerous Ideas
Student information sheet
Inquiry Question: is there such a thing as a dangerous book?
- During this unit you will be working in inquiry circles to explore the topic “A Festival of Dangerous Ideas”.
- Open phase: introduce the ideas of the unit
- Immerse and explore: opportunity to build your knowledge and explore areas of interest
- Identify: develop an inquiry question
- Gather: read your choice of novel and research your inquiry question
- Create and share: create an iMovie showcasing your findings
- Evaluate: reflect on your learning over the unit
- Read one banned book and complete a learning journal (LJ)
- Create an iMovie, presenting the results of your investigation.
(see appendix 1)
Lesson plan template
Learning intentions:
To know that some items and books are banned
To understand the reasons why some items and books are banned
To be able to justify reasons why some items and books are banned
Team: Teacher Librarian (TL), English Teacher (ET), Teacher’s Aid (TA)
What the teaching team is doing – Strategies | What students are doing –
Tasks |
Time: (mins)
5 |
Location: library, double period (2x 60 min lessons)
Displays of banned books with chains, behind tapelines, or in cages, placards with their crimes listed (TL to organise) As students enter the library, they are handed a post-it note and are asked to answer the question “if you could ban one thing in the world what would it be and why?” Ss post on the board, ET facilitates quick starter by reading out a variety of the answers, and doing a short agree/disagree show of hands |
Ss record answer on post-it and place on board |
Work time
Time: (mins) 10
10 |
Watch, think, wonder: Top 10 banned everyday items (WC) ET to lead a discussion of reasons some things are banned. Encourage thinking by questioning if items are banned in every situation or for every person. TL, ET, TA: assist students as required ET to lead: school banned items list, explain activity, monitor student learning, lead WC discussion ET: introduce the topic A Festival of Dangerous Ideas and the overarching inquiry question: is there such a thing as a dangerous book? ET: View and discuss: Banned Books Week: 13 authors speak out (WC) TL introduces the pathfinder (on Padlet), students use it to explore the broad concepts of banned books. TL, ET, TA to monitor student learning, assisting as required
ET to facilitate WC discussion, each group will have 2 mins to talk about their list and give reasons for their thinking, explain how they addressed any opposing viewpoints. Once all groups have finished, students are given an opportunity to note in their booklets anything additional they learned from other groups TL, ET, TA to assist students as required |
Ss discuss and record: why are some things banned? (random group 3-4)
Ss to complete activity annotating the banned items list (random groups 3-4) WC discussion of responses
Using the pathfinder, students explore the concept of banned books, emphasis on reasons they are banned. Complete mindmap of reasons. Create a group list, rank the reasons (most to least important), justify their responses
Write a PEEL paragraph: explain why some things are banned. |
Time: (mins) 10
3 |
ET and TL to facilitate WC discussion, answering any pressing questions. Gauge students initial areas of interest by show of hands.
TL, ET, TA to assist students as required |
Students are given Twitter exit pass to fill in – write one post summarising what they have learned in this lesson, what they found intriguing. Stick it to the display board as they exit.
(see appendices 1 and 2 for resources) record homework and pack up |
Homework |
TL, ET to debrief, adjust future lessons as required | Complete LJ entry |
Student Learning Journals Padlet Pathfinder ( password: FODIopen) |
Adapted from Guided Inquiry Design in Action: Middle School, (2016) by Leslie K Maniotes, LaDawna Harrington and Patrice Lambusta, Santa Barbara, C.A: Libraries Unlimited
A Festival of Dangerous Books
Learning Journal
Name: _____________________________________
Teacher’s name: _____________________________
Learning Journal Guidelines:
Activities in this learning journal are to be completed as directed by your teacher.
Extension activities are to be completed at the back of your learning journal in the extra pages provided.
Throughout this unit, complete the Subject Specific Terms page.
A Festival of Dangerous Ideas
Student information sheet
Inquiry Question: is there such a thing as a dangerous book?
- During this unit you will be working with a team of 3 or 4 students, guided by your teacher and the teacher librarian, to explore the topic “A Festival of Dangerous Ideas”.
- Open phase: introduce the ideas of the unit
- Immerse and explore: opportunity to build your knowledge and explore areas of interest
- Identify: develop an inquiry question
- Gather: read your choice of novel and research your inquiry question
- Create and share: create an iMovie showcasing your findings
- Evaluate: reflect on your learning over the unit
- As part of this unit you will be required to read one banned book (either from the list of suggestions or one selected by your team and negotiated with your teacher) and complete a learning journal (LJ).
- The final task you need to submit for marking is an iMovie, presenting the results of your investigation into the question: is there such a thing as a dangerous book?
Activities to complete: | |
(2 lessons in the library) |
Sub-topic: why do people ban things?
Watch: Top 10 Banned Everyday Items (WC) Think: why are some things banned? Discuss with your group, record your answers, report back to WC (SG) Wonder: Annotate the banned items list: (SG) Watch: Banned Books Week: 13 authors speak out (WC) Using the pathfinder, explore the idea of banned books, emphasising reasons they are banned. Complete mindmap of reasons. Create a group list, rank them (most to least important), give reasons. Write a PEEL paragraph: explain why some things are banned.* Homework: compete learning journal entry 1.* |
(1 lesson in the classroom, 1 lesson in the library) |
Case study: The three little pigs (SG – Jigsaw)
Read the story of The three little pigs Identify aspects of the story that could be challenged, and who would oppose the story, discuss and record your reasons * Divide into expert groups and discuss the various finding of each group, record any new ideas, return to home group and discuss Table for and against banning this book * Write a letter to the editor explaining the reasons for and against banning The three little pigs * Add any new information to your mindmap. Library Lesson: station work In SG investigate the selected novels that have been banned. Complete table in your learning journal * |
(2 library lessons) |
Complete notes on research skills
Detailed notes on banned books* Venn diagram comparing book review website and database Activity: speed date a book (I) Books you can choose from will be on the tables in the library For each book, you will have 10 mins to explore it and record your thoughts * At the conclusion of the activity, shortlist the titles you want to read and complete the PEEL paragraphs in your LJ * N.B. you do not have to look at all the books! Check your LJ for a list |
(1 lesson) |
Form groups of 3-4 (IC)
Select the book you will read. You can all read the same book or choose different books Decide on your focus. It MUST fit into the overarching inquiry question. Remember you will be creating an iMovie to present the results of your investigation. Record your discussion in your mindmap |
(6 lessons and homework) |
Read your novel using stickies and the 4C’s *
Complete novel study matrix in LJ * Complete research on your chosen area, make notes in your Google doc * Complete ongoing reference list * Create a list of points to use in your iMovie
Create and Share
(2 lessons in library for creation, 2 lessons to present) |
Create a 4-5 minute iMovie presenting your group’s investigation and answer to the question: is there such a thing as a dangerous book? * (IC)
When watching other group’s presentations, complete the thinking hats evaluation * |
(1 lesson) |
After the presentations, reflect on the unit and complete the reflection in your LJ *
What did I learn about my own research process? How successful was our inquiry circle? How successful was our presentation at getting our point across? Is there anything I would do differently next time?
WC: Whole Class SG: Small Groups IC: Inquiry Circle I: Individual
* must be complete in LJ and will be checked/marked by your teacher
Subject Specific Terms (SST):
SST | Definition | Example from novel/text |
controversy | ||
injustice | ||
freedom of speech/ freedom of expression | ||
conflicting ideas | ||
challenges | ||
idea | ||
personal beliefs | ||
rebellion | ||
mainstream | ||
resistant | ||
Open: Why do people ban things?
Watch: Top 10 Banned Everyday Items
Think: why are some things banned?
Wonder: Annotate the banned items list: why are they banned? Are they banned everywhere? Are there some things on the list some people can have? Under what circumstances? Is there anything you believe should be added to the list? Are there things that you do not believe should be on the list? Give reasons for your answers.
Banned Items:
steel rulers
aerosol cans (including spray-on deodorant)
weapons (including replicas)
liquid paper
permanent markers
energy drinks
chewing gum
laser lights and laser pointers
illicit drugs
inappropriate or offensive material
medication of any kind (must register with the school office)
Mindmap: why are books banned?
Using what you have discussed, create a mindmap showing reasons books are challenged and banned. Use examples from what you have learned so far. Add to this mindmap as you complete the Open, Immerse and Explore lessons.
List, Rank, Reasons
List reasons to ban a book | Rank them | Give reasons |
PEEL paragraph
Explain why some things are banned.
Learning Journal Entry 1:
What have you learned this lesson?
What questions were raised by what you did?
Are there any areas of the discussion or thoughts you had that you would like to investigate further?
Extension Activities – optional
Watch and write: Publish and be jailed – Rajip Zarakolu. Record your thoughts as you watch the clip.
Creative: find examples in movies where characters either ban things or are banned from doing things. Recommend one clip that your teacher could use in the future when exploring the topic.
Read The three little pigs.
Using what you already know and your research from last lesson complete the table.
Parts of the story that could be challenged:
Home group notes:
By who: | |
Expert group notes:
Reasons IN FAVOUR of banning The three little pigs | Reasons AGAINST banning The three little pigs | |
Letter to the editor
Compose a letter to the editor of a publishing company discussing banning The three little pigs.
Station Work
Fill in the table for each of the four books your group investigates:
Title: | Author: | Genre: |
Why do you think this book is controversial?
o racism o profanity o offensive language o drug references o sexual references o swearing o violence o unsavoury themes o religious opposition/blasphemy o sexism o occult/satanic/witchcraft o subversive ideas o opposing political ideologies/ political bias o age inappropriate Other: o _______________________________________________ o _______________________________________________ o _______________________________________________
Would I read it?
yes no
Why I would/not read it: |
Title: | Author: | Genre: |
Why do you think this book is controversial?
o racism o profanity o offensive language o drug references o sexual references o swearing o violence o unsavoury themes o religious opposition/blasphemy o sexism o occult/satanic/witchcraft o subversive ideas o opposing political ideologies/ political bias o age inappropriate Other: o _______________________________________________ o _______________________________________________ o _______________________________________________
Would I read it?
yes no
Why I would/not read it: |
Title: | Author: | Genre: |
Why do you think this book is controversial?
o racism o profanity o offensive language o drug references o sexual references o swearing o violence o unsavoury themes o religious opposition/blasphemy o sexism o occult/satanic/witchcraft o subversive ideas o opposing political ideologies/ political bias o age inappropriate Other: o _______________________________________________ o _______________________________________________ o _______________________________________________
Would I read it?
yes no
Why I would/not read it: |
Title: | Author: | Genre: |
Why do you think this book is controversial?
o racism o profanity o offensive language o drug references o sexual references o swearing o violence o unsavoury themes o religious opposition/blasphemy o sexism o occult/satanic/witchcraft o subversive ideas o opposing political ideologies/ political bias o age inappropriate Other: o _______________________________________________ o _______________________________________________ o _______________________________________________
Would I read it?
yes no
Why I would/not read it: |
Learning Journal Entry 2:
What have you learned this lesson?
What questions were raised by what you did?
Are there any areas of the discussion or thoughts you had that you would like to investigate further?
Suggested List of Banned Books
The following books are a suggestion only, you may select a different book. If you do choose another book, you must seek approval from your English teacher.
The Absolutely True Story of a Part-time Indian ~ Sherman Alexie
Uncle Tom’s Cabin ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe
Fahrenheit 451 ~ Ray Bradbury
The Da Vinci Code ~ Dan Brown
Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland ~ Lewis Carroll
The Perks of Being a Wallflower ~ Stephen Chbosky
The Hunger Games ~ Suzanne Collins
The Witches ~ Roald Dahl
The Great Gatsby ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Fault in Our Stars ~ John Green
Lord of the Flies ~ William Golding
Catch-22 ~ Joseph Heller
The Outsiders ~ S.E. Hinton
The Kite Runner ~ Khaled Hosseini
Brave New World ~ Aldous Huxley
Schindler’s Ark ~ Thomas Keneally
To Kill a Mockingbird ~ Harper Lee
Moby Dick ~ Herman Melville
Twilight ~ Stephanie Meyer
Animal Farm ~ George Orwell
1984 ~ George Orwell
The Great Gilly Hopkins ~ Katherine Paterson
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ~ J.K. Rowling
All Quiet on the Western Front ~ Erich Maria Remarque
Persepolis ~ Marjane Satrapi
Huckleberry Finn ~ Mark Twain
The Color Purple ~ Alice Walker
Venn Diagram
Explore: Speed Date a Book
Title #1: | Author: | Genre: | |
Initial thoughts on this book:
Rank this book (out of 10)
· interest in content: · engagement factor: · connection to content/character: · plot: · appealing cover/title: · desire to read:
Questions/issues raised in the brief reading of this book:
Title #2: | Author: | Genre: | |
Initial thoughts on this book:
Rank this book (out of 10)
· interest in content: · engagement factor: · connection to content/character: · plot: · appealing cover/title: · desire to read:
Questions/issues raised in the brief reading of this book:
Title #3: | Author: | Genre: | |
Initial thoughts on this book:
Rank this book (out of 10)
· interest in content: · engagement factor: · connection to content/character: · plot: · appealing cover/title: · desire to read:
Questions/issues raised in the brief reading of this book:
Title #4: | Author: | Genre: | |
Initial thoughts on this book:
Rank this book (out of 10)
· interest in content: · engagement factor: · connection to content/character: · plot: · appealing cover/title: · desire to read:
Questions/issues raised in the brief reading of this book:
Title #5: | Author: | Genre: | |
Initial thoughts on this book:
Rank this book (out of 10)
· interest in content: · engagement factor: · connection to content/character: · plot: · appealing cover/title: · desire to read:
Questions/issues raised in the brief reading of this book:
Title #6: | Author: | Genre: | |
Initial thoughts on this book:
Rank this book (out of 10)
· interest in content: · engagement factor: · connection to content/character: · plot: · appealing cover/title: · desire to read:
Questions/issues raised in the brief reading of this book:
Title #7: | Author: | Genre: | |
Initial thoughts on this book:
Rank this book (out of 10)
· interest in content: · engagement factor: · connection to content/character: · plot: · appealing cover/title: · desire to read:
Questions/issues raised in the brief reading of this book:
Title #8: | Author: | Genre: | |
Initial thoughts on this book:
Rank this book (out of 10)
· interest in content: · engagement factor: · connection to content/character: · plot: · appealing cover/title: · desire to read:
Questions/issues raised in the brief reading of this book:
Speed Dating Shortlist:
Title | Main reason it was banned |
PEEL Paragraphs
Shortlist book #1
Shortlist book #2
Shortlist book #3
Learning Journal Entry 3:
What have you learned this lesson?
What questions were raised by what you did?
Are there any areas of the discussion or thoughts you had that you would like to investigate further?
Identify: Choose your book and group
Form a group of 3-4
Team Member’s Names:
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
The book/s we will be reading are:
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
Our focus question:
(remember it has to fit with the question: is there such a thing as a dangerous book?)
Discussion record – choosing our books:
Learning Journal Entry 3:
What have you learned this lesson?
What questions were raised by what you did?
Are there any areas of the discussion or thoughts you had that you would like to investigate further?
Gather: Novel Study Matrix
Choose one activity to complete from each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Remembering (factual answers, recollection and recognition). | Summarise the main events of the novel on a timeline. | List and describe the main characters in the novel. Write down two important quotes that relate to each of them. | Recall details about the setting by creating a picture where a part of the story took place. | What is your favourite chapter? Write two paragraphs on what happens in this chapter. |
Understanding (Translating, interpreting and showing understanding). | Using a line graph, map out the action of the novel. | Predict what could happen next in the story. | Choose one setting from the novel. Explain why this setting is important. Draw this setting the way you think it would look. | Explain how the main character felt in the beginning, middle and end of the story. |
(Using information gained in different or familiar situations). |
Choose an important event in the novel. Write a newspaper report about the incident. | Think of a situation that occurred to a character in the story and write about how he or she would have handled the situation differently. | Write down examples of positive and negative representations of women in the novel. Explain why you have identified two of them. | What advice would you give girls after reading this novel? Design a brochure that details this information. |
(Breaking into parts to examine more closely). |
Brainstorm the important themes in the novel. Identify and list quotes that reveal these, analysing how the themes are developed. | Use a table to compare and contrast how each character has changes throughout the novel. Find quotes to support your explanation. | Select one main character to analyse in a character journal. For each chapter:
1. 1. List 2-3 key quotations from or about the character. 2. 2. Examine the character’s actions, behaviour and reactions. 3. 3. Select one word that best represents the character. |
Identify the orientation, climax, complication and conclusion of the story.
Justify your response in two paragraphs. |
(Judge, use criteria, rank and justify) |
How realistic do you consider the characters in the novel to be? Write two or more paragraphs on this question. Make sure you provide specific reasons. | Write two or more paragraphs on whether you consider the conclusion of the novel to be a satisfactory one. Justify your response. | The characters in a novel behave in specific ways that may or may not be appropriate in each circumstance. Choose one place in the novel where you did not agree with the behaviour of one character and evaluate the character’s actions. | In what ways would the story be different if it was told from a different perspective? Write a few sentences on how this changes the story. |
(Combining information with new situations to create new products and ideas). |
Choose a section from the novel. Turn this section into a drama script. Make sure you write clear stage directions. | Imagine that you are a character in the novel. Write a letter to another character in the novel. Choose your audience and purpose before you write. | Write a letter to the author, justifying your opinion on the novel. What could they have changed? | Choose one of the characters from the novel. Write a poem from their perspective on one relevant topic. |
Visible Thinking Routine – 4Cs
The 4C approach is best used to organise and synthesise ideas to shape meaning in texts
(What connections can you draw between the text and your own life or learning?) |
(What ideas, positions, or assumptions do you want to challenge or argue with?) |
(What key concepts or ideas do you think are important and worth holding onto from a text?) |
(What changes occurred in the text, characters, or your own thinking?) |
Create and Share: iMovie Presentation
The final tasks for this unit will be the creation of a 4-5 minute iMovie and a written reflection.
Remember the overarching theme for your presentation: is there such a thing as a dangerous book?
To complete these tasks, the following steps need to be completed:
- Each member of your IC needs to read their assigned book and complete their activities.
- A Google doc needs to be set up, shared between your IC and your teacher. The Google doc needs to contain your plan for the iMovie, and the storyboard or script you plan to follow.
- Mindmap the ideas your group has for their presentation. Discuss this with either your teacher, the teacher librarian, or teacher’s aid.
- Assign roles and jobs to members of your group to ensure the presentation is completed on time. Collaborate where appropriate and remember to work smart!
- Research examples from your novel study, find evidence to support your theories and idea. You may include images, clips, and quotes from a variety of sources – make sure you reference them correctly.
- Reference all sources that you have used in your presentation and provide a reference list in your LJ. Remember to use a Harvard style bibliography as per school policy. Check your learning planner for correct referencing style.
- Complete the filming of your iMovie, edit it and submit it by the due date.
- While watching the presentations from other groups, fill in the Thinking Hats Evaluation.
- Complete your own evaluation of the process in your LJ.
Presentation Planning Pages
The following pages are left blank for you to make notes, plan, research and organise your iMovie presentation.
Thinking Hats Evaluation – watching group iMovies
White Hat – 3 facts | Yellow Hat – write a positive comment | Black Hat – write a constructive comment for improvement |
Evaluation Part 1:
What did I learn about my own research process?
How successful was our inquiry circle?
How successful was our presentation at getting our point across? Is there anything I would do differently next time?
Evaluation Part 2:
3 most important things I learnt from the unit A Festival of Dangerous Ideas
2 ideas I will take away from this unit |
1 question I would like to follow up on
Appendix 2
Twitter Exit Pass
This lesson I learnt/found most intriguing…
(140 characters) |