School Library Collection Development Policies

As part of a module on collection development policies I was encouraged to find school library collection development policies online. My readings indicated that collection development policies are publicly available documents. I began searching the websites of schools in my local area. Not one had any kind of reference to their library, let alone their collection development policy. I then tried my old high school that was listed in “The Great School Libraries Report” (Freedom of Access to information and Resources, 2016). Its website was also missing any reference to its library.  After much searching I was finally able to locate some from my state within Australia. It was interesting to note that they are all labelled as ‘collection management policies’ rather than collection development policies.

The collection management policy I viewed had a short but clear purpose as well as aims and objectives of the collection. It contained the selection criteria used and a clear stance on donations. The policy stated criteria of weeding of the collection. It also said that the collection would be evaluated and gave reasons for why the collection would be evaluated but did not indicate how this would occur. The purpose of this document is to guide the collection development of this school’s library and provide clear information about how items are selected, managed and ‘weeded’. The policy also contains a form for reconsideration of a resource to be filled out when a resource is challenged.

I think the collection management policy is for a number of different stakeholders. I believe it is for leadership of the school so they have a clear idea of how the library develops and manages the collection. The policy is for the library staff and helps continuity. If staff change, then the knowledge of the library collection’s purpose and selection criteria are not lost. It is also for the general community to understand how items for the selection are chosen, particularly if there has been a challenge to a resource.

A collection development policy is a fundamental document for a school library that should be easily available for the school community to access. Not having an electronic version available on the school website (or any mention of the library at all) is doing a disservice to that community.


Freedom of Access to information and Resources. (2016). The impact of the Great School Libraries: Report 2016. Reading, digital literacy, critical thinking and research.

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