Your view manifests your outcome. If you see the role of a teacher librarian as endangered then you may resigned to that fact and it will end up occurring. If you look at the role with a glass half full mentality then you are more likely to action that will mean the teacher librarian role may be seen as more valuable in the eyes of others.
I think the key takeaways from Karen Bonanno’s key address and her subsequent reflections on the professions a few years later are that teacher librarians need to be looking at their profession with a glass half full mentality. Instead of bemoaning that the role is not looked upon as needed by some parts of the community, teacher librarians should be looking at the ways they make an impact and what makes them unique in their setting. Focusing on upskilling themselves with ICT and continuing to build connections with students, staff as well as creating connections across the curriculum will ensure that their role as seen as vital in the continuing years.
Australian School Library Association. (2011). Karen Bonanno, Keynote speaker: A profession at the tipping point: Time to change the game plan. [Video]. vimeo. https :// vimeo .com/31003940
Bonanno , K. (2015). A profession at the tipping point (revisited). Access, 29(1), 14-21.