In week 7, following articles were found by narrowing down the search by entering different keywords such as internet of vehicles, internet of automated cars.

Internet of Vehicles: Motivation, Layered Architecture Network Model Challenges and Future Aspects

Researchers of this paper have presented this paper based on Internet of Vehicles and smart transport. It also presents a detailed framework of IoV with network model, protocols, layered architecture, and challenges faced by the VANETs. Authors of this paper discusses about various types of vehicular networks namely vehicle to roadside, vehicle to vehicle, vehicle to sensors, vehicle to devices, and vehicle to cellular network. An architecture that consists of five layers is proposed taking functionalities and representations into consideration. Also, a protocol stack is also introduced in relation to operational, management and security levels. The network model that is proposed in this paper has three levels namely client, connection, and cloud.

ART: An Attack-Resistant Trust Management Scheme for Securing Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Researchers of this paper propose an attack resistant trust management mechanism that will assist in securing the ad-hoc network of the connected vehicles. This mechanism will detect any malicious nodes and attacks and take necessary actions to mitigate the threats. Also, this scheme will evaluate the data transferred over the ad-hoc network and mobile nodes for verification that it is legitimate. It is evaluated based on the data gathered from the sensors. Legitimacy of the nodes are evaluated based on functional legitimacy and recommendation from other nodes of the network.

Efficient Privacy-Preserving Dual Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Secure V2V Communications in an IoV Paradigm

Researchers of this paper focus on introducing a dual authentication mechanism that can be implemented in IoVs based on the scenarios. Traditional authentication mechanisms such as cryptography based (PKI), hardware based (TPM) and reputation evaluation based are mainly focused on improving either privacy, security, or efficiency. But these do not address the issues completely. PKI is only focused on verifying if the vehicle has the correct certificate and does not consider the vehicle behavior. TPM based authentication techniques are used in building a trusted authentication platform. It can be used to monitor IoV based vehicle’s hardware and software. But those vehicles are operated by communicating to other objects in the network.