In week 6, I was able to find more articles relating to my topic by searching the databases supervisor introduced to us.
Driving with Sharks: Rethinking Connected Vehicles with Vehicle Cybersecurity
Researchers of this paper highlight the threats and vulnerabilities of motor vehicles that are susceptible to remote attacks and exploits such as door locking, engine shutting down, brake disabling. These are results of cyber-attacks aiming towards the vehicles connected to internet or in other words, Internet of Vehicles. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the cyber security attacks that pose a threat to the function of the vehicle. These attacks include malware, mobile application attacks, and onboard diagnostic faults. Authors have demonstrated the architecture of the in-vehicle structure and the safety measures developed to minimize the threats.
Authorization Framework for Secure Cloud Assisted Connected Cars and Vehicular Internet of Things
Researchers of this paper introduce an authorization framework for the purpose of securing the IoCV platform. The communication between vehicles and infrastructure are not predefined. Therefore, a secure architecture is proposed in this paper, called “extended access control-oriented architecture (E-ACO)”. This architecture is based on cloud computing. The authors have explained different approaches to various access control models which can be implemented at heterogenous levels of E-ACO. Also, this paper discusses about the use cases to represent requirements of access control model.
Security and privacy based access control model for internet of connected vehicles
Researchers of this paper explain how the security and privacy of data communication can be preserved in Internet of Connected Vehicles (IoCV) by proposing an access control mode. This mode will grant permission for the security officials in layers to access the communication channels. Application of wireless communication has notable security and privacy challenges specifically relating to IoCV. Functionality of security layers is that, avoidance of sensitive information being disclosed from higher security levels to lower security levels.
Comments by anuradhaedirisuriya