Project Title
Communication Issues of IoT devices in Automobiles
Project Problem Domain
As the advancements occurring in technology field, the concept of “Smart” is taking over the globe rapidly making everyday lives of humans convenient. As a result of this, smart devices are being developed with chips and sensors inside them to communicate with each other. Sooner, this smart device concept will be implemented in almost all the devices from hairbrushes to vehicles to machinery.
Those devices are connected to each other over the internet to communicate and share data with each other. These data taken from sensors are used to analyze a situation and the connectivity is used to issue commands and control devices.
When communicating via the internet, these smart devices face challenges. Mostly those IoT devices do not have secure protocols implemented to talk to each other. Therefore, data exchange will be in danger. Overall, those devices are not physically protected. And connectivity issues will occur if the devices are out of range from the Wi-Fi. Since IoT is still in development phase, more research has to be carried to overcome those challenges to provide secure IoT devices.
The IoT and smart devices concept can be considered as one of the innovative technologies emerging now. Devices such as laptops, watches, cameras, bulbs, mobiles are connected to each other through internet. Industries implement this IoT concept in their machinery, surveillance cameras and processing. Even though businesses are trying to make their way to the top by investing in Internet of Things adoption in their processes, they still face challenges of it due to inherent limits of the technology. Some of those problems are security implications, need for high capacity networks, limitations of power management in devices and data integration.
Project Aim/Objectives
The objective of this research study is to analyze the challenges faced by IoT devices in terms of communication and understand those issues on how they are inherent and in which way they will have an impact to the implications of the IoT technology.
There are many challenges taken place when implementing IoT in businesses and daily lives of humans. Challenges specific to the communication will be focused in my study.
The deliverable of this study will be in the format of a paper after completing the research.
Kothmayr, T., Schmitt, C., Hu, W., Brünig, M., & Carle, G. (2013). DTLS based security and two-way authentication for the Internet of Things. Ad Hoc Networks, 11(8), 2710-2723. doi: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2013.05.003
Vučinić, M., Tourancheau, B., Rousseau, F., Duda, A., Damon, L., & Guizzetti, R. (2015). OSCAR: Object security architecture for the Internet of Things. Ad Hoc Networks, 32, 3-16. doi: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2014.12.005
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