Open Resources and Learning

How ‘open’ are you?

  • How ‘open’ are you? Do you blog, Tweet or post to online communities?
  • Are you using and/or creating open educational resources?
  • What do you need personally or in your digital learning environment to become more open?
Share, discuss, question, inquire, refer to additional resources …
This was an interesting section of the readings as things have clearly changed since I stopped blogging about two or so years ago now. I used to blog, tweet and be active in online communities. I found it overwhelming. Having had to re-engage with all of this as part of INF 532 I haven’t hated it but I wouldn’t say I’m particularly open to it. I used to share a lot of my resources and programs and ideas and I found people didn’t appropriately attribute the work and were getting credit for something that wasn’t theirs. When I was appropriately sharing things (using the necessary referencing and links) on my blogs of other people’s work that also proved difficult at times.
So my question is, if we are creating these online resources or MOOCs what are the copyright and attribution implications? I feel like there has to be a mind shift from some people about how they share their work. I’m really conscious of all of that attribution and copyright business so I think if I was to engage more actively in a digital learning environment once again I would be mindful of that. I don’t particularly feel at this point in time like being a leader in this area but I can see our school really thriving off ideas like this. More food for thought I guess in terms of how I want to be portrayed as a Teacher Librarian in the future.

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