Forum 2.5

  • Select a curriculum topic of interest to you.
  • Select one of the online communities or resource sharing services listed in Module 2, and spend some time searching for tags, hashtags, lists or communities of relevance to your topic.
  • Share a link to a relevant online resource found from that community and discuss the pros and cons of this community as a recommendation source.

Select a curriculum topic of interest to you: Drama

Select one of the online communities or resource sharing services listed in Module 2, and spend some time searching for tags, hashtags, lists or communities of relevance to your topic: Pinterest

Share a link to a relevant online resource found from that community and discuss the pros and cons of this community as a recommendation source.

I found a page called Theatrefolk. This was after having searched “drama teaching high school”. Their Pinterest boards were a visual collection of some of their website resources. One example of something that could be used in the classroom was their resource to help teachers teach character motivation. It was called, “What does my character want?”

Pros: I like the visual aspect of sites like Pinterest and PearlTrees. They are visually appealing rather than forum style design. I think this way you can see whether a resource could be good quality or not just from the design and presentation of the thumbnail. You can type in most teaching search terms ( I tried “drama teaching shakespeare”, “drama teaching monologues”, drama teaching “commedia dell arte”) all of which retrieved multiple results.

Cons: It still requires time to sift and read through the multiple results but aside from that I really don’t think there are that many cons.

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