Information Literacy in my school-Module 5

1- Has the school in which you work (or know best) developed an information literacy policy?

2- How is information literacy approached in your school or experience?

3- How is digital citizenship approached in your school or experience?

4- How can a trans-literacy approach expand the teaching role of the TL beyond the traditional information literacy paradigm?

1- The school where I work has not developed an explicit information literacy policy; however, IL is an integral part of the teaching programs created collaboratively by teachers across all stages. My school has been a pioneer in NSW in future focus learning and has been singled out as an exemplar of successful 21st C skills learning, such as ICT capabilities.

2- IL is approached in several ways, namely in the flexible design of learning spaces that promote collaborative learning, and also in the acknowledgement of an Information and Communication Technology capability in all master programs. ICT skills are promoted and embedded in all learning opportunities. 95% of students bring their own device to school and use technology to acquire knowledge and skills that will not only enhance their understanding of subject content and also prepare them for life after school.

3- The dimensions of ethical digital citizenship are discussed in depth with prospective students during an orientation day that that takes place in term 4. Expert teachers give a presentation to Y6 students about what constitutes responsible digital behaviour and how it affects others. Students are given a booklet that contains information about online behaviour, resilience and wellbeing. Digital citizenship is reinforced in wellbeing programs that students participate in during the entirety of their schooling.

4- A TL is in an optimal position to supervise literacy enrichment programs across the school, such as Moodle literacy activities that students will have to complete online on a regular basis as stepping stones to success in the main curriculum areas. These Literacy and Numeracy milestones will ensure that students are better prepared to tackle their HSC exams in Y12 and also to embrace university studies with confidence in the future.



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