A major issue relating to this technological perspective of the Information Society is the question of determinism. Who/what is driving technological change? Is it the inhabitants of the landscape or the technology? Has it reached a point where the technology itself drives the agenda or is society in control? Does society determine the rate of change, or is society still trying to catch up?
In the 90’s there was speculation that technological advancement was going to be the driver of societal evolution. Later on the conclusion was that it was society rather than technology that acted as the agent of change. In fact, the actual drivers were companies like Microsoft which were looking to provide technological solutions by creating the Microsoft Suite which greatly enhanced work productivity, and also revolutionised teaching and learning in schools and universities. Societies around the world were transformed by the introduction of Microsoft coding and the resulting new technologies. The increasingly capitalist world was the driving force behind these technological innovations. Societies did change as a consequence of technological change, for example local identities and cultures were irreversibly destroyed in a globalised world.