Professional Reflective Portfolio

Part A

What do you think makes an effective teacher librarian?

Effective teacher librarians (TLs) serve the school community with dedication, enthusiasm and kindness. They attempt to lead a future-focused library space where students can access print and digital resources in a welcoming environment, which promotes collaborative learning and positive relationships among students and teachers. TLs are experts in Information Literacy and collaborate with subject teachers to embed Inquiry Learning models into curriculum programs. Effective TLs advocate for the library as the heart of learning, and engage in professional development to stay abreast of advancements in digital technologies. TLs manage collections that cater to the needs of the school community, and foster engagement with literature among the student population. 

Year 11 students engaged in collaborative work in the library
Collaborative learning in the school library at Macarthur Girls’ High School

Part B


1- Information Literacy and Inquiry Learning


When I embarked on the TL course in 2020, I had a limited idea of the concept of information and its implication in teaching (Rivero, 2020a). As I gradually immersed myself in the ETL 401 subject readings, I was able to expand my understanding of Information Literacy (IL), as well as of IL learning models that educators employ to aid students in their search for, access and processing of information (Herring & Bush, 2011; Laretive, 2019; Rivero 2020b). I learnt that a student who is information literate recognises the value of information and possesses the skills to locate, evaluate, and use it ethically and effectively (Laretive, 2019). While there is no consensus on a single definition of Information Literacy, the term encapsulates the essence of lifelong learning, as it encompasses skills that are transferable to other areas of our lives (Herring & Bush, 2011). This newly-gained knowledge greatly enriched and transformed my practice, as I became aware of the crucial role the teacher librarian plays in the development of information literacy in students (O’Connell, 2017).


Throughout the course, I learnt that IL and inquiry approaches remain the cornerstone of constructivist theories of learning, and the teacher librarian can offer ample expertise in the use of both physical and online resources (Kuhltahu, 2004; O’Connell, 2017). Crucially, the teacher librarian is in an excellent position to teach students the skills needed to successfully navigate online resources, as well as to collaborate with subject teachers in the design and implementation of authentic inquiry learning tasks (Garrison et al., 2021; Kuhlthau, 2010; Lance & Maniotes, 2020; Lupton, 2012; Mackenzie, 2019; MacNee & Radmer, 2017). It was enlightening to study the Information Search Process (ISP), which serves as the foundation for the increasingly prominent educational model known as Guided Inquiry (GI) (Fitzgerald & Todd, 2019; Kuhlthau, 2004; Maniotes & Kuhlthau, 2014). The knowledge gained enabled me to adapt existing units of work in 2021 and 2022, incorporating elements of the GI methodology that, for instance, added an explicit research component to the learning task (Maniotes et al., 2016).


Students in Middle School years require high levels of engagement and benefit from working in groups, hence the importance of introducing inquiry-based tasks to this cohort (Maniotes et al., 2016). During the specific unit of work that I reviewed while undertaking the TL course, a problem-based project about Human Rights is presented to students, and supported by instructional and facilitative teaching led by the specialist teacher and the teacher librarian. The main inquiry topic stems from an overarching concept derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, namely Equality, Education and Peace (UN General Assembly, 1948). The students are free to choose a concept that interests them, research it in depth, relate it to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and create a multi-media campaign that raises awareness of this concept in society (Garrison et al., 2021; Lance & Maniotes, 2020). To meet the requirements of the task, they test and illustrate potential strategies to present their campaign, while applying critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Importantly, they research the United Nations and the Declaration of Human Rights, as well as explore media articles on human rights topics, before working together to produce a campaign that portrays their chosen concept in a creative and engaging format. My intervention and instruction through the Guided Inquiry model learnt while undertaking ETL 401, assisted students with their research, and produced explicit modes of questioning and critical thinking (Fitzgerald et al., 2018; Lance & Maniotes, 2020). I also helped subject teachers create Inquiry Learning tools, such as logbooks and journal templates that the students were able to use throughout the project (Maniotes et al., 2016). 

An example of the checkpoint schedule is linked below:

Checkpoint 3 Schedule & Submission Guidelines


Example: Human Rights Campaign slide-show


Year 9 students showcasing their Human Rights campaigns


Furthermore, I have used the Guided Inquiry model in the delivery of team-teaching initiatives such as the Year 10 Integrated Curriculum. For example, I introduced to students the steps in the GI information-seeking framework, namely, Open, Immerse, Explore, Identify, Gather, Create, Share and Evaluate (Kuhlthau, 2010; Maniotes et al., 2016; Maniotes & Kuhlthau, 2014), which greatly enhanced the completion of a political party Stage 5 Civics and Citizenship project. This guidance enabled students to structure their research findings into a clear sequence and allowed for the provision of effective teacher and peer feedback at different checkpoints during the inquiry learning task (Maniotes et al., 2016). Through the application of the Guided Inquiry model, the students were able to organise their findings into multimedia slideshows, videos, and printed materials such as pamphlets, and as a result learn information seeking strategies that they will be able to apply in their life beyond school (Maniotes et al., 2016; Kuhlthau, 2010). 

Examples of merchandise designed by Year 10 students for their Political Campaign project:


Finally, in Year 7 Humanities, I taught students how to apply the Guided Inquiry model of information seeking to their investigation into the Second World War, developed as an individual and interactive Google Earth project based on the novel Once by Morris Gleitzman (Maniotes et al., 2016). The students had opportunities to achieve sequential development of their 21st Century capabilities through my collaboration with History and Geography teachers (Garrison et al., 2021; Kuhlthau, 2010; McNee & Radmer, 2017). During the entirety of the Google Earth project, I clarified and critiqued the requirements of the assessment task to students in small inquiry groups, which greatly helped them understand the aim of the task as well as refine their ICT skills (Garrison et al., 2021; Kuhlthau, 2010). This assistance resulted in students creating informative virtual tours that were supported by rigorous geographic and historical research, thereby strengthening the overall quality of their authentic learning experience (Maniotes et al., 2016). 

Example of a Year 7 student’s Google Earth project


2- Wellbeing


In recent years, there has been recognition in education that students’ wellbeing greatly influences their academic learning (Child, 2018; Merga, 2021). Student wellbeing is unique to everyone; however, there are some commonalities, such as feelings of sustained happiness, resilience in the face of adversity, contentment with oneself, relationships, and school experiences (Child, 2018; Merga, 2020). Throughout the world, a significant number of school-age children experience mental health afflictions, which have recently been exacerbated by the Covid 19 pandemic (Merga, 2022a; Thatcher, 2022). Owing to these external factors, there has been a renewed emphasis on promoting student wellbeing in schools through new mental health policies and plans (Hugues et al., 2019; Merga, 2020). The Teacher Librarianship course has positively contributed to increasing my knowledge of student wellbeing, its impact on learning, and importantly, the crucial role libraries and teacher librarians play in enhancing students’ physical, emotional and mental competences (Atherton, 2020; Merga, 2022b). 

While undertaking the TL course, I was able to implement numerous wellbeing initiatives in my school context, which were largely dictated by the new knowledge gained through subject readings, assignments and continuous reflection (e.g. Rivero, 2022b). The conception of the library as a sanctuary for peace, where students feel a sense of security, ownership and belonging, has greatly influenced my dual teaching role of teacher and librarian (Merga, 2021; Thatcher, 2022). In 2019, I changed the library layout by re-organising bookshelves, and creating a silent area where students can focus on reading for pleasure and relaxation (Merga, 2022a).

My school library offers a sanctuary for peace

The motivation to promote student wellbeing through library programs has inspired me to enact numerous enrichment and learning opportunities in my school library. For example, for the past two years I have led a Spanish club for Stage 4 students who are interested in learning a second language in a welcoming atmosphere. This social initiative has enabled Year 7 students to build friendships with like-minded peers, while in the process easing the transition between primary and secondary school (Shaper & Streatfield, 2012). 

Stage 4 Spanish club students and me

In partnership with the English faculty, I have collaborated in the introduction of a book club for senior students, which provides a unique opportunity to read and interpret high-quality literature in a safe and supportive environment (Merga, 2022). Reading for pleasure is known to foster a sense of enhanced wellbeing, while developing empathy, and healthy relationships with others (Merga, 2021; Wallace, 2020). In my post on Embracing a Library 2.0 Ethos, I reflected on the importance of creating an environment where students feel a sense of belonging and security, which is fundamental for their wellbeing and success in academic endeavours (Rivero, 2021b). 


Reading for pleasure in the school library


In addition, the school library promotes personal wellbeing by offering a space where students can develop their imagination and creativity (Merga, 2022b). In my school library, a craft club is run every week in collaboration with the Student Support Officer, where students can meet and socialize while making decorations and crafts that will later be displayed on library walls. This activity acts as a de-stressor at a time when students are overburdened with content-heavy curricula as well as being bombarded with frequent standardized tests (Wallace, 2020). Importantly, through their valued and unique decorative contributions, students experience a sense of ownership over the library space that positively impacts their wellbeing (Merga, 2021). In my blog post entitled Social Media and Cultural Diversity, I reflect on the importance of celebrating cultural diversity through library initiatives (Rivero, 2022b). For example, during Harmony Week, students participate in the creation of crafts that represent their identity and culture, thereby fostering a sense of belonging in the library and the school (Thatcher, 2022). 

Harmony Day is celebrated every year in the school library


In 2022 I was appointed Year 11 Year Advisor, and in that capacity, I was able to review and write wellbeing programs in collaboration with the Stage 6 Head of Teaching and Learning. In order to address the pastoral care needs of students, my school has developed a wellbeing program based on the school values of Participation, Respect, Integrity, Diversity and Excellence. This program is designed to teach a holistic view of students’ wellbeing, one that considers the students’ past and present experiences, the kind of adults they wish to become and the kind of society we live in (Hugues et al., 2019). 


My experience as a teacher librarian, combined with the understandings derived from the Teacher Librarianship course, have informed and enriched my new role of Year Advisor. For example, I was able to integrate online resources into existing programs for identifying and building students’ digital literacy skills in accessing relevant materials on mental health, self-efficacy, citizenship rights and health risks such as vaping (Smith & Hanson, 2019; Merga, 2020). Drawing on my information literacy knowledge, I was able to incorporate study guides, exam schedules, quizzes and slide shows into wellbeing programs, that not only refined the study skills of the Year 11 cohort, but also provided tools that eased the pressure of impending HSC preliminary examinations (Merga, 2021). 


Finally, through an extensive library monitors’ program, students learn and perform administrative duties, such as borrowing, returns and stocktaking, in a safe and supportive environment that fosters inclusivity and connections with others. In addition, the library volunteers run weekly meetings to discuss their favourite books, draft the quarterly student library newsletter and produce book reviews that are shared with the school community through email and social media, thereby fostering a community of collaborative learning and enjoyment (McNee & Radmer, 2017). 

Library Newsletter created by library monitors


Year 11 library monitor helping with stocktaking 


3- Social media networking and information professionals

The study of INF506 created new and exciting possibilities of embedding social media tools in teaching and library programs. I started off this subject by pondering the overriding influence of technology on society, and the myriad opportunities it presents in teaching contexts (Rivero, 2021a). My considerations focused on the immense contribution of technology during the pandemic as an enabler of connectivity between teachers and students, through online platforms such as Google Workplace and ZOOM, that allowed for the continuation of learning in a virtual environment. Without the use of digital technologies, it would have been impossible to engage in teaching and learning during the prolonged periods of lock-down that occurred during 2020 and 2021. I also reflected on ethics and values that should be emphasised when engaging with technology, in order to prevent misuse or abuse of power by members of society and corporations (Rivero, 2021a)


In a later post, I reflected on Library 2.0 Ethos, and concluded that my school library amply reflected the shift from physical to digital information formats (Rivero, 2021b). For instance, while studying INF506, I was able to redesign the library space to allow for the opening of a digital learning hub, where students can congregate and demonstrate ICT competence through school and leisurely activities (Wall & Bonnano, 2014). While undertaking INF506, I gained a deep understanding of the importance of promoting e-learning services through mobile devices, such as the electronic library and bluetooth printing (Acheampong & Agyemang, 2021; Obinyan, 2020). As my school has a BYOD policy, I was able to facilitate individual study areas where students can use their own devices to complete learning tasks and print their school work from their personal devices. 


A key takeaway was learning about the importance of educating ourselves in the employment of virtual and augmented reality tools in the school library and teaching programs. In 2022, I taught a team of library monitors how to integrate elements of augmented reality in the term 4 school library newsletter through the inclusion of scanning codes that connect to the Spotify streaming service. This innovative idea particularly resonated with senior students who often find solace in music during long periods of high-stakes examinations. 

Music playlists incorporated into the library newsletter

For a Year 10 Integrated Curriculum project in 2022, I assisted the class with the creation of digital career portfolios that reflected the skills needed in a rapidly-changing job market. In partnership with subject teachers, students were guided through the steps of an inquiry-based task that encouraged them to make informed career choices based on their personality and interests. It is noteworthy that many technological jobs were favoured by students, such as digital marketing specialist and IT manager. As part of their final product, some students produced interactive, augmented reality tools, as well as immersive videos that enabled the class to experience first hand what it is like to pursue a technology-driven profession. The readings and journal reflections during INF506 made it possible for me to guide the students in their journey towards a career in digital media, enhanced by the affordances of virtual reality (Rivero, 2022a; Rivero 2022b)

      Digital Marketing Specialist poster created by a Year 10 student


In my Thoughts for the Future (Rivero, 2022c) and Personal Reflection (Rivero, 2022d) posts, I reflected on the numerous benefits that social media can offer to the field of teacher-librarianship and high school education. For instance, social media facilitates the exchange of resources and ideas that have the potential to inform, strengthen and bond communities (Smith, 2021). As part of an inquiry-based learning project in 2022, Year 10 Integrated Curriculum students were required to research a major issue that impacts young Australians in the 21st century. This investigative work later informed the design of an e-magazine that aimed at spreading awareness of their chosen social issue, which would lead to affecting change in the broader society. Examples of social issues selected by students included Cyberbullying, Domestic Violence against Women, and Refugees. In their final product, students seamlessly embedded social media sites, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, into the e-magazine content in order to effectively communicate their message to a wider audience (Chu & Du, 2013). In my post on Social Media and Cultural Diversity (Rivero, 2022b), I reflect on the advantages of including social media applications in inquiry-based learning and their potential to help diverse, immigrant communities feel at home in Australia. During the e-magazine project, a group of Year 10 students incorporated social media applications in their digital media campaign to advocate for the rights of refugees in Australia.











Examples of Year 10 students’ e-magazine project 


A final example of the harnessing of social media in my school library is the Stage 4 digital writing club named ‘Future Authors’, where Year 8 students create short stories on a blogging platform in collaborative groups of enthusiastic writers. The blog enables these students to refine their writing skills through the exchange of creative writing ideas, while together constructing a story that draws on the full affordances of blogging technology. This example demonstrates that the integration of social media technologies into library programs has enabled collaborative initiatives among students that greatly enhance their literacy and learning.

‘Future Authors’ blog created by Year 8 students


Part C


The Master’s in Teaching Librarianship course has allowed me to strengthen my practice in a high school library setting by increasing my understanding of what defines an effective and committed teacher librarian. For example, the course has given me insights into the vital role that the teacher librarian plays as an information professional, expert in inquiry-based pedagogies, instructional leader and collaborator (Purcell, 2010). 

The vision of my school is to “encourage students to achieve their personal best and beyond, empowering them with the necessary skills to be successful citizens in an ever-changing world” (Macarthur Girls’ High School, 2022). In my capacity as a TL, I have amply contributed to the creation and implementation of teaching and learning programs that foster the development of lifelong learners among our student population (ALIA/ASLA, 2004). For instance, I have crafted, reviewed and differentiated numerous Stage 5 Integrated Curriculum inquiry-based learning programs with a view to promoting the 21st century skills of collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking, communication, self-regulation, using ICT effectively, and creativity (Wall & Bonnano, 2014). Evidence from recent student data through the Tell them from Me Survey has established that students’ learning experiences were enriched, through the implementation of Inquiry-based learning practices, that I was able to examine in depth during the Master’s in TL course (ALIA/ASLA, 2004). 

One of the key lessons has been that an effective TL needs to build and advocate for life-long learning through participation in professional networks, as this will directly lead to improved student engagement and better learning outcomes (ALIA/ASLA, 2004; Cole, 2012). In order to promote information literacy, 21st-century learning and efficient library services in my specific school context, I aim to actively seek professional learning opportunities in the future, such as participation in online communities of teacher librarians (ASLA/ALIA, 2004; Bales, 2017; Luo & Hostetler, 2020). I also need to ensure that professional learning experiences are provided to members of staff in my school context, as this will enable them to gain knowledge of library services and resources that will lead to improved student outcomes, while also raising the profile of the library as a vibrant learning centre (Wolf et al., 2014). 

The students in my school context come from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. There is also a significant number of students with disabilities and learning challenges. Therefore, I always strive to develop a library collection that reflects the distinctive characteristics of the community that the library serves (ALIA/ASLA, 2004). For example, I will continue to seek students’ and teacher’s observations on current and future resources through evaluation tools, such as Google forms, informal conversations and suggestions boxes. This data will allow me to create collections that are relevant, joyful, and tailored to the needs of the school community (ALIA/ASLA, 2004).

Finally, I have been able to demonstrate leadership qualities in my school context through successful team-teaching initiatives, building positive relationships with teachers and students and continuous advocacy for library programs (Danielson, 2007; ALIA/ASLA, 2004). Importantly, I am currently participating in whole-school wellbeing committees in my capacity as Year 11 Year Advisor (ALIA/ASLA, 2004). This leadership role has enabled me to further promote the school library and the information services that it has to offer.


Year 11 students dressed as their favourite character

Peer support in the school library at MGHS




Acheampong, E., & Agyemang, F. G. (2021). Enhancing academic library services provision in the distance learning environment with mobile technologies. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(1), 102279.


Australian Library and Information Association/Australian School Library Association (ALIA/ASLA). (2004). Standards of professional excellence for teacher librarians. ALIA-ASLA standards of professional excellence for teacher librarians | ALIA Library


Atherton, L. (2020). Supporting students’ mental wellbeing through the school library. The School Librarian, 68(3), 135-138. 


Bales, J. (2017). Collector, curator or collaborator. SCIS Connections, 100.


Child, J. (2018). School libraries enhancing student wellbeing. SCIS Connections, 105(2), 8-9.


Chu, S. K.-W., & Du, H. S. (2013). Social networking tools for academic libraries. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 45(1), 64–75.


Cole, P. (2012). Linking effective professional learning with effective teaching practice.


Danielson, C. (2007). The many faces of leadership. Educational Leadership, 65(1), 14-19. 


FitzGerald, L., Garrison, K. L., & Sheerman, A. (2018). ‘It’s just what the brain does’ : The shape of guided inquiry. Access (Caulfield East), 32(3), 4–10.


FitzGerald, L., & Todd, R. J. (2019). Guided inquiry goes global : Evidence-based practice in action. Libraries Unlimited.


Garrison, K. L., FitzGerald, L., & Sheerman, A. (2021). “They should be called guiders”: Teachers and teacher librarians developing inquiry learners. School Libraries Worldwide, 34–47.


Herring, J. E., & Bush, S. J. (2011). Information literacy and transfer in schools: Implications for teacher librarians. The Australian Library Journal, 60(2), 123–132.


Hughes, H., Franz, J., & Willis, J. (2019). Students reimaging school libraries as spaces of learning and wellbeing. In H. Hughes, J. Franz, & J. Willis (Eds.),School spaces for student wellbeing and learning: Insights from research and practice (1st ed., pp 121-137). Springer.


Kuhlthau, C. (2004). Seeking meaning: A process approach to library and information services. Westport CT: Libraries Unlimited


Kuhlthau, C. C. (2010). Guided Inquiry: School libraries in the 21st century. School Libraries Worldwide, 16(1), 1–.


Lance, K. C., & Maniotes, L. K. (2020). Linking librarians, inquiry learning, and information literacy? Phi Delta Kappan, 101(7), 47–51.


Laretive, J. (2019). Information literacy, young learners and the role of the teacher librarian. Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 68(3), 225–235.


Luo, T., & Hostetler, K. (2020). Making professional development more social: A systematic review of librarians’ professional development through social media. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(5), 102193.


Lupton, M. (2012). Inquiry skills in the Australian Curriculum. Access (Caulfield East), 26(2), 12–18.


Macarthur Girls’ High School. (2022). Vis Viva School Handbook.


Mackenzie, T. (2019, April 21). How your teacher-librarian can be an ally when teaching with inquiry. KQED News: MindShift.


Maniotes, L. K., Harrington, L., Lambusta, P., & Kuhlthau, C. C. (2016). Guided inquiry design in action : Middle school. Libraries Unlimited.


Maniotes, L. K., & Kuhlthau, C. C. (2014). Making the shift: From traditional research assignments to guiding inquiry learning. Knowledge Quest, 43(2), 8–17.


McNee, D. & Radmer, E. (2017). Librarians and learning: The impact of collaboration. English Leadership Quarterly, 40(1), 6-9.


Merga, M. (2020). How can school libraries support student wellbeing? Evidence and implications for further research. Access (Online), 60(6), 660–673.


Merga, M. K. (2021). Libraries as wellbeing supportive spaces in contemporary schools. Journal of Library Administration, 61(6), 659–675.


Merga, M. K. (2022a). Libraries as an essential wellbeing resource in schools. The School Librarian, 70(2), 8-9. 


Merga, M. K. (2022b). School libraries supporting literacy and wellbeing. Facet.


Obinyan, O. O. (2020). Application of mobile technologies in library service delivery. In A. Tella (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Digital Devices for Inclusivity and Engagement in Libraries (pp. 371-381). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9034-7.ch019


O’Connell, J. (2017). School Libraries. In I. Abdullahi (Ed). Global library and information science: A textbook for students and educators. De Gruyter Saur.


Mackenzie, T. (2019, April 21). How your teacher-librarian can be an ally when teaching with inquiry. KQED News: MindShift.


Purcell, M. (2010). All librarians do is check out books, right? A Look at the Roles of a School Library Media Specialist. Library Media Connection, 29(3), 30–33.


Rivero, A. (2020a, July 23). Thinking about information. Angelina Rivero’s Reflective Journal.


Rivero, A. (2020b, October 6). Critical reflection on how my understanding of information literacy (IL), IL models and the TL role in inquiry learning has expanded through this subject. Angelina Rivero’s Reflective Journal.


Rivero, A. (2021a, November 25). The influence of technology on society. Angelina Rivero’s Reflective Journal.


Rivero, A. (2021b, December 31). Embracing a library 2.0 ethos. Angelina Rivero’s Reflective Journal.


Rivero, A. (2022a, January 9). Virtual and augmented reality. Angelina Rivero’s Reflective Journal.


Rivero, A. (2022b, January 22). Social media and cultural diversity. Angelina Rivero’s Reflective Journal.


Rivero, A. (2022c, January 24). Thoughts for the future. Angelina Rivero’s Reflective Journal.


Rivero, A. (2022d, January 29). Personal reflection. Angelina Rivero’s Reflective Journal.


Shaper, S., & Streatfield, D. (2012). Invisible care? The role of librarians in caring for the “whole pupil” in secondary schools. Pastoral Care in Education, 30(1), 65–75.


Smith, D. L. (2021). 11 – Social media as a professional development tool for academic librarians. In D. Baker & L. Ellis (Eds.), Future Directions in Digital Information (pp. 175-189). Chandos Publishing.


Smith, L., & Hanson, M. (2019). Communities of praxis: Transforming access to information for equity. The Serials Librarian, 76(1-4), 42–49.


Thatcher, R. (2022). Fostering a love of reading across the whole school through engagement with wellbeing in libraries. Access (Online), 36(4), 44-48. 


UN General Assembly. (1948). Universal declaration of human rights (217 [III] A).


Wall, J. & Bonanno, K. (2014). Learning and literacy for the future. Scan 33(3), 20-28.–2014/learning-and-literacy-for-the-future


Wallace, E. (2020). The school library as sanctuary. The School Librarian, 68(3), 131-134.


Wolf, M., Jones, R. & Gilbert, D. (2014). Leading in and beyond the library.


Personal Reflection

Undertaking this subject has shifted my thinking in relation to the value of social media in education. I started off with deeply rooted misgivings in relation to the relevance of social media in academic environments, as it was my understanding that social media celebrated superficial and fleeting connections among its participants. However, as I immersed myself in the various readings and online class discussions, I was able to envisage the great potential of Web 2.0 technologies and social media in the advancement of knowledge in a digitally dominated world (Giannikas, 2020). Not only that, but I was able to grasp the power social media has in furthering the collective construction of ideas (Giannikas, 2020), especially in educational contexts where the use of mobile technologies permits learners to connect with each other and with their instructors through a commonly shared social network (Acheampong & Agyemang, 2021).

While I habitually employ software applications in my daily library duties, such as the electronic cataloguing and circulation of learning resources, I was not aware of the potential of social media or mobile technologies in the enhancement and promotion of library services (Acheampong & Agyemang, 2021). Importantly, the creation of a library Instagram account for the first assignment has allowed me to harness social media through the promotion of the social good beyond the location of the physical library (Alfonzo, 2019; Cole, 2016). I have made an informed choice when selecting Instagram as the preferred social media platform to engage with my school teenage audience, as the appeal of this visual platform with a young demographic has been extensively highlighted in the academic literature (Alfonzo, 2019; Manca, 2020).

Reading about the benefits of social media in nurturing interpersonal trust and encouraging community participation has resonated with me and my school context (Kwon et al., 2020). I work in a diverse, all-girls high school where students are proud of their culture and where multiculturalism is celebrated through events that bring the school community together, such as Harmony Day and Traditional Dress Day. The library Instagram account acts as a reminder to students of these crucial events in the school calendar, thereby fostering identity-related use (Kwon et al., 2020). Importantly, a social media platform managed by a librarian can offer a safe space where students share their thoughts and feelings about social connection, inclusivity and tolerance (Kwon et al., 2020). I learnt that the creative potential of Instagram is particularly relevant in an era where 21st century skills are central to a well-rounded and future-focused education, as Instagram offers a platform where students can be taught the latest technologies through engagement with library and school activities (Alfonzo, 2019). In the future, I will seek the approval of the school executive body to create a real library Instagram account, which can be linked to and promoted through the official school Facebook page. This social media initiative will not only increase the exposure of the library in the school community, but also address the informational needs of tech-savvy users in a landscape where online connectivity and instant communication are the norm (Williams, 2020).

Despite the numerous advantages of using social media in education, through the course of this subject I have also learnt that mainstream platforms need to be employed with caution, owing to the challenges and dangers inherent in their mass consumption (Di Gangi et al., 2018; Manca, 2020). In a high school context, it is imperative to protect the students’ security and privacy against the threats of indiscriminate and impersonal online use of information. Therefore, the content posted on the library social media account should be carefully scrutinised by the librarian and support staff. This is important because social media platforms belong to private companies whose policies do not necessarily align with those of a public school with strict accountability rules and codes of conduct (Aitchison & Meckled-Garcia, 2021).

The field of Social Network Analysis was unknown to me prior to completing this subject (Hicks et al., 2020). It has been fascinating to learn that there is a well-established methodology in Social Sciences that identifies the structural relationships of library members and their communities. This data can greatly inform and facilitate the provision of services that are tailored to the communities of use (Hicks et al.,2020). In my school context, the students harness the learning potential of the library in different ways, some of them rely on its information resources for their school assignments, while others use it as a sanctuary amidst the hustle and bustle of school life. In the future, I will endeavour to create evaluation tools that will assess the patterns of relationships between the school community and the library. This could be attained through regular student surveys, focus groups and interviews, and the data gleaned through these tools would contribute to building an engaged community of users that take pride in their participation in the school library.

This subject has left me with invaluable insights that I will apply to my information organisation going forward. One of the key lessons has been learning about the potential of augmented and virtual reality in education, especially through facilitating reading practices among a teenage audience enchanted with virtual worlds (Hannah et al, 2019; Reynolds et al., 2020). In addition, my view of the role of the librarian has changed after reading about the impact of artificial intelligence in library contexts (Hervieux & Wheatley, 2021). I will endeavour to provide a space in my school library for the development of the latest technologies in education, while also seeking teaching partnerships with STEM specialists.

The experience of being a participant in the Facebook group has encouraged interaction between myself and other students, that has enabled peer-knowledge exchange and other professional learning groups in the future. Online communities of practice can lead to collaborative professional learning development, as social media offers a democratic platform where diverse views can be expressed (Luo & Hostetler, 2020). The blog has been a pleasurable and at times surprising experience, that has enabled insight into different perspectives on social media, and the exchange of genuine and in-depth knowledge between co-bloggers.

Word count: 1017


Acheampong, E., & Agyemang, F. G. (2021). Enhancing academic library services provision in the distance learning environment with mobile technologies. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(1), 102279.

Aitchison, G., & Meckled-Garcia, S. (2021). Against online public shaming: Ethical problems with mass social media. Social Theory & Practice, 47(1), 1-31.

Alfonzo, P. (2019). Instagram in the library. Library Technology Reports, 55(2), 33-42.

Cole, Laura (2016) BiblioTech as the Re-Imagined Public Library: Where Will it Find You?

 Di Gangi, P.M., Johnston, A.C., Worrell, J.L.& Thompson, S.C. (2018). What could possibly go wrong? A multi-panel Delphi study of organizational social media risk. Inf Syst Front, 20, 1097–1116.

Giannikas, C. (2020). Facebook in tertiary education: The impact of social media in e-learning. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 17(1), 3.

Hervieux, S., & Wheatley, A. (2021). Perceptions of artificial intelligence: A survey of academic librarians in Canada and the United States. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(1), 102270.

Hicks, D., Cavanagh, M. F., & VanScoy, A. (2020). Social network analysis: A methodological approach for understanding public libraries and their communities. Library & Information Science Research, 42(3), 101029.

Kwon, K. H., Shao, C., & Nah, S. (2020). Localized social media and civic life: Motivations, trust, and civic participation in local community contexts. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 1-15.

Luo, T., & Hostetler, K. (2020). Making professional development more social: A systematic review of librarians’ professional development through social media. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(5), 102193.


Manca, S. (2020). Snapping, pinning, liking or texting: Investigating social media in higher education beyond Facebook. The Internet and Higher Education, 44, 100707. 100707

Reynolds, K., Schofield, T., & Trujillo-Pisanty, D. (2020). Children’s magical realism for new spatial interactions: augmented reality and the David Almond archives. Children’s Literature in Education, 51(4), 502-518.

Williams, M. L. (2020). The adoption of Web 2.0 technologies in academic libraries: A comparative exploration. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52(1), 137–149.







OLJ Task 17: Thoughts for the Future

Choose one of the resources above and write a 400-word analysis that addresses the following issues:

What is the potential for the future of an organisation you are familiar with?

What impact might the future have on us as information professionals?


Libraries are struggling to stay current in a world dominated by ever-changing digital technologies (Hervieux & Wheatley, 2021). Providing innovative services that engage and support the latest technologies, such as the maker space movement, has been the focus of libraries and librarians in recent times (Hervieux & Wheatley, 2021). One of the most prominent technological trends in the last two decades has been in the field of Artificial Intelligence (Hervieux & Wheatley, 2021). Artificial Intelligence is concerned with computer systems that display some form of intelligence, such as learning new tasks, reasoning and evaluating the world around us (Msauki, 2021).

In my school library context, there is great potential to utilise Artificial Intelligence in order to enhance library services and motivate tech-savvy students to be active library members. This would be attained by applying the principles of AI to the library, for example through a computer programme that can monitor the books that come in and out, rather than having to scan the books manually. However, I will need to educate myself in the main functions of these systems, as well as their relevance in my school library context, before implementing this technology in the library (Hervieux & Wheatley, 2021). This could be done through attending specialised professional learning sessions delivered by experts in Science and Technology.

After gaining knowledge about artificial intelligence and its potential use in education, I would be able to liaise with STEM teachers in order to apply this technology to learning programs. For example,  new lessons about this emerging field may be embedded in current units of work. These lessons can then be taught in the library space through a partnership between the teacher librarian and STEM teachers. The students can be encouraged to work collaboratively on inquiry-based learning projects that require them to create a robot that would perform basic library duties, such as answering routine questions and stacking books on shelves (Axelsson, 2019). The students could design a prototype of this robot on their devices by consulting relevant resources online with the STEM teacher’s assistance. This type of deep learning would promote the acquisition of all 21st century skills, namely real-world problem solving, critical thinking, using ICT purposefully and collaboration. Such an innovative endeavour will not only teach students the main characteristics and creative scope of artificial intelligence, but also provide the opportunity for them to design a robot in real life.

The advent of the Internet and consequent development of cutting edge technologies, has forever changed the modern educational landscape. The field of AI holds great promise for schools and libraries. Students need to be taught the skills that will enable them to understand technological problems that may not exist yet, but that will probably materialise in the not too distant future.


Axelsson, M. (2019). The little robot that lived at the library [Blog post].

Hervieux, S., & Wheatley, A. (2021). Perceptions of artificial intelligence: A survey of academic librarians in Canada and the United States. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(1), 102270.

Msauki, G. (2021) Library 4.0 and sustainable development: Opportunities and challenges. In, J. P. Chigwada &  N. M. Nwaohiri (Eds.), Examining the Impact of Industry 4.0 on Academic Libraries. Emerald Publishing Limi

Extended post: social media and cultural diversity

Even though digital networks and online communication are ubiquitous in society, there are still marked disparities in population representation across social media platforms (Dargin et al., 2021). These differences stem from a range of factors, such as gender, race, ethnicity and socioeconomic background (Dargin et al., 2021). It is important to bear in mind that beyond the digital world, there is still a physical society with multiple complexities, diverse citizenry and inherent inequalities. In every society, there are people who are well off and people who are struggling to survive. For example, in Australia, there are indigenous people who have been victims of abuse, neglect and discrimination for over two hundred years, and who still have to defend their identity from unfounded accusations of illegitimacy and criminality (Carlson & Kennedy, 2021). In South Africa, most students from lower-socio economic backgrounds are deprived of the numerous benefits of using social media in higher education, such as enhanced collaboration between teachers and students, and public participation in educational projects (Mphahlele et al., 2021). These are just two examples of the paradoxical make-up of social media. On the one hand, its presence in our lives is irrefutable, but on the other hand, not all social groups have equal access to its uses and benefits (Dargin et al., 2021).

The information organisation I work for is a multi-cultural all-girls high school located on the banks of the Parramatta river in Western Sydney. Over ninety per cent of the students come from language backgrounds other than English, comprising mostly Arabic, Tamil and Hindi speakers. The school’s family occupation and employment index falls below the Australian average of socio-economic advantage, which indicates that these families are faced with daily challenges perhaps unknown to the middle classes (Dekker & Mullan, 2021). The school mission is to empower students to achieve their personal best and beyond, by teaching them the necessary skills to succeed in an ever-changing world dominated by technology. In this socially rich school context, social media has the potential to foster integration and tolerance among a multitude of ethnicities with different lifestyles and religious beliefs. Importantly, social media can encourage immigrant families to connect with their local neighbours in a constructive and meaningful way, thereby promoting inclusivity and a sense of belonging among these diverse social groups (Dekker & Mullan, 2021).

The girls who attend my school constitute a very specific sociological group. Many of them have just arrived in Australia from war-torn countries. They consequently aspire to high levels of education, both through their parents’ encouragement and through their own personal motivation. With  literacy, with ambition, they aim to become highly-regarded professionals in the future, namely lawyers, doctors and architects. With their teachers’ expert guidance, they will work tirelessly towards that, and they will use the Internet and social media to obtain relevant information, to improve their literacy levels, to be more knowledgeable and language-proficient, and to contact people around the world quickly and efficiently. In some instances, newly arrived immigrants can be judged as belonging to ghetto type communities, not speaking English very well, not relating with the Anglo society, and falling victim to racism. However, these newly-arrived immigrants can actually still use social media platforms, and the Internet, purposefully and with the long-term goal of overcoming their adverse circumstances always at the forefront of their minds. The children of immigrant families know that education is the gateway to a better life, and social media can facilitate that vital transition.

Immigrant children still use the Internet for recreational purposes, but they seem to display an undercurrent of purpose and determination when they engage online, that children from Western families do not seem to have. This is probably due to the fact that they do not wish to replicate their parents’ harsh, and at times alienated, reality in their own futures. They know that by educating themselves and by building productive networks, they can get out of entry-level, low-paying jobs, such as the ones their parents are destined to have due to their limited language proficiency. These children can get a university career, and they can get a decent job if they apply themselves. They can change their lives through education, and the electronic, digital connectivity can enable all of that and more. There are traps to social media which young immigrant girls will be susceptible to, such as falling for its excessive emphasis on image and glamour. However, if they are smart, and they are determined, they can work things out for themselves, they will use electronic media to grow a network around them, to find good career options, to study properly, to obtain useful knowledge, and this will pave the way for their smooth integration into Australian society.

The school library can act as an information hub where classes and specialist teachers hold group discussions about the advantages of using social media to create culturally inclusive communities (Dekker & Mullan, 2021). Importantly, students can be taught how the affordances provided by social media platforms and applications can be harnessed to help their parents and extended families feel at home in Australia. For example, the students can take part in inquiry-based learning projects where they produce informative flyers and recreate real-life scenarios about social media groups of diverse membership base, and how these can ease the integration into Australian society (Dekker & Mullan, 2021). In information literacy classes, the students can be taught how to create a social media account of their choice to promote social harmony and well-being. This can be implemented through a professional partnership between the teacher librarian and ICT specialists. Learning programs can be adapted to include units about how to use social media responsibly to connect with local civic activities, and how to share information about social issues, such as the pandemic and its devastating effects on society. This would be highly beneficial among disadvantaged communities, as it has been found that health negative outcomes correlate directly with digital communication inequalities (Dargin et al., 2021).

Social media has only been around for less than 20 years. Nevertheless, in that short period, it has absorbed so much of society and has so accurately reflected people’s attitudes, values and norms. However, despite its global reach and widespread popularity, there are still marginalised social groups that fail to access its many benefits and possibilities. Social media acts as a mirror to these already existing social inequalities.


Carlson, B., & Kennedy, T. (2021). Us mob online: The perils of identifying as indigenous on social media. Genealogy, 5(2), 52.

Dargin, J. S., Fan, C., & Mostafavi, A. (2021) Vulnerable populations and social media use in disasters: Uncovering the digital divide in three major U.S. hurricanes. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 54, 102043

Dekker, K., & Mullan, K. (2021). Cohesive diverse suburbs in Australian: A case study of policy processes and social media in Footscray. Urban Policy and Research, 1-17.

Mphahlele, M. I., Mokwena, S. N., & Ilorah, A. (2021). The impact of digital divide for first-year students in adoption of social media for learning in South Africa. South African Journal of Information Management, 23(1).;//

OLJ Task 14: Areas of Concern

Based on your interests and/or workplace context, after exploring some of the above resources, reflect on your new learning about one of the above areas of concern (in terms of your possible work as an information professional) in a 350 word post in your learning journal.

As the Internet has evolved and expanded, so have the ways that social media platforms and search engines, such as Facebook and Google, monitor and collect data of end users (Crocco et al., 2020; Marino, 2021). In educational contexts, this means that students may inadvertently share their private information while conducting an online search for their school assignments, or while participating in the school Facebook page. In view of this threat to a child’s personal security, it is imperative that both subject teachers and teacher librarians equip themselves with the necessary tools to deliver privacy training as part of digital literacy endeavours (Marino, 2021).

When children use the internet to access information, they will always leave a digital footprint behind them. For example, if they fill up a form or sign up for a newsletter, do they actually know who is going to use their details, and more importantly, how they are going to use them? In light of this potential risk, it is paramount that students gain knowledge of what big tech companies are doing to harvest their data, for example through the integration of third party software applications in educational and library websites (Marino, 2021).

These are the important questions that we need to engage our students in, both in specific subjects, and in wellbeing programs delivered as whole school initiatives (Crocco et al., 2021). When students provide personal information online, what databases do their details sit in, and do these become used by a third party (Marino, 2021)?  Information about them may give online companies commercial knowledge about their interests, and this information can be sold on to other companies without their permission or even awareness that this lucrative manipulation of their information is taking place (Crocco et al., 2021).

Students need to be careful, realising that information is harvested and used, and sold on. As a librarian I can have open discussions about the strategies that companies put in place to share data (Marino, 2021). However, I am not going to be able to to stop this practice, and anybody can be susceptible. It doesn’t matter how old you are, or how bright you are. While children are tech-savvy and fluent online, big tech companies still succeed in obtaining valuable personal data, especially due to the extended hours children spend online (Crocco et al., 2020).

Students need to be made aware that giving away their personal data to other companies means that it can be sold on by third parties. Their data is valuable. Their profile gives these big companies commercial knowledge in what Zuboff has termed surveillance capitalism (Zuboff, 2019). As a teacher librarian I can hold critical literacy information classes about use of data, privacy, and the prevalence of third party tracking software. With this crucial knowledge, students will be able to take control over their user privacy online (Marino, 2021).


Crocco, M.S., Segall, A., Halvorsen, A.L., Stamm, a., & Jacobsen, R. (2020). “It’s not like they’re selling your data to dangerous people”: Internet privacy, teens, and (non-controversial public issues. Journal of Social Studies Research, 44(1), 21-33.

Marino, B. (2021). Privacy concerns and the prevalence of third-party tracking cookies on ARL library homepages. Reference Services Review, 49(2), 115-131

Zuboff, S. (2019). The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Right for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. Public Affairs. NY

OLJ Task 12: Virtual and Augmented Reality

After reading the articles above, write a post of 400 words that considers one advantage of the use of either virtual or augmented reality, and one disadvantage. Discuss in relation to a library or information organisation that you are familiar with.


There are multiple advantages in using virtual and augmented reality objects in education (Dahya et al., 2021), and these new applications offer an invaluable opportunity to teach school curricula through experiential learning (Hannah et al., 2019). A case in point is the use of augmented reality to engage children with English writer David Almond’s Seven Stories, through immersive experiences of magic realism described in his literary works (Reynolds et al., 2020).


At my school, one of the Humanities assessment tasks in Year 7 consists of creating a guided virtual tour on Google Earth of the novel Once by Morris Gleitzman. The students have to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the geography of Poland and its relevance in the novel by mapping out the journey of the main character using Google Earth digital tools. In order to maximise the learning potential of this task, the Humanities teacher, with the help of the teacher librarian, can incorporate Google Earth virtual reality software to the teaching of this unit. The sense of presence (Zote, 2021) and interactive quality facilitated by virtual reality will allow the students to not only immerse themselves in the physical setting of the novel, but also engage emotionally with the experiences of the main character, who was an innocent victim of religious persecution during World War II (Dahya et al., 2021). This connects to another positive outcome of virtual reality, which is the building of empathy for others and ‘embodied cognition’ through walking in someone else’s shoes (Dahya et al., p. 3, 2021). The teacher librarian can collaborate with subject teachers in the design of units of work that explore virtual and augmented reality technologies, for example in History and Social Sciences curriculum delivery (Hannah et al, 2019).


It is the responsibility of the school library to organise, catalogue and make accessible to students and teachers, learning resources that support the school curriculum. Virtual reality collections present multiple challenges in terms of controlling and defining the provenance and quality of the items found on the Internet (Hannah et al., 2019). The librarian needs to ensure that the virtual reality resources are accurate and contribute to enhanced learning outcomes, and this is no easy task considering the plethora of materials that can be downloaded from the Internet, which are often of unspecified intellectual property (Hannah et al., 2019). The task of collecting and curating virtual reality materials will contribute to increasing the already stretched workload of the teacher librarian, who may need to acquire new skills in how to maximise the use of virtual reality in the library learning programs. Despite the many hurdles to be overcome with such cutting-edge technology, the potential benefits of using virtual reality in education are immense (Hannah et al., 2019; Reynolds et al., 2020).


Dahya, N., King, W. E., Lee, K. J., & Lee, J. H. (2021). Perceptions and experiences of virtual reality in public libraries.  Journal of Documentation, 77(3), 617-637.
Hannah, M., Huber, S., & Matei, S. A. (2019). Collecting virtual and augmented reality in the twenty-first century library. Collection Management, 44(2-4), 277-295. doi:10.1080/01462679.2019.1587673
Reynolds, K., Schofield, T., & Trujillo-Pisanty, D. (2020). Children’s magical realism for new spatial interactions: augmented reality and the David Almond archives. Children’s Literature in Education, 51(4), 502-518.
Zote, J.  (2021, February 9). The most important social media trends to know for 2021. Sprout Social. 

OLJ Task 6: Embracing a Library 2.0 Ethos

Consider the services discussed by Laura Cole in the video in relation to a library or information agency that you know (as an employee or user). Select four key points made by the speaker, and consider how these may be applied to a library or an organisation you are familiar with to help it embrace a Library 2.0 ethos. Write 300 – 400 words.

Laura Cole highlights the positive changes inherent in the shift from physical to digital libraries. These are the four points that apply to my school library context:

1- The librarian becomes an active participant in the patron’s search for valuable information, and helps discern what is relevant from the resources available, both in the physical and digital formats. In my school context, I have explicitly taught the NSW information literacy model through the delivery of team-teaching Humanities and other integrated curriculum subjects to Stage 4 and 5 students. This combined teaching effort has enabled students to understand the steps of the information seeking process, namely defining, locating, selecting, organising, presenting and accessing information, prior to the completion of school projects that require them to consult and use library resources. There is an emphasis in my school on the sequential teaching of the 21st century skills, across all stages and learning areas. In this context, the teacher librarian has a crucial role in the teaching of digital literacy capabilities.

2- The digital shift in libraries changes the amount of floor space dedicated to book stacks. In my school library, I have designed a future-focused learning space after consultation with subject teachers and students via Google form surveys. As a result of the move towards digital libraries, I have taken hundreds of books off the library catalogue (a process called weeding), which has allowed for the opening up of a functional and inviting study and computer space where students can engage in collaborative learning tasks and silent reading for recreational or educational purposes.

3- The library often acts as a third place, neither home nor work, where patrons can engage in learning activities in a positive and safe environment. My school library offers a flexible learning hub where students can congregate and participate in multiple learning activities, such as STEM classes, book clubs, second language lessons and writing clubs. My school library provides an environment where students feel a sense of belonging and security which is fundamental for their wellbeing and success in academic endeavours.

4- For many patrons, the preferred method of reading will always be the paper book. After countless surveys and questionnaires, the students in my school have expressed unanimously that they favour physical books over digital resources, and that they would like to find the latest releases in the school library in printed format. The students have also said that while they value the accessibility to an electronic library, nothing compares to the tactile experience of holding a book while taking in its contents. This means that the emergence of information technology has not made physical resources completely redundant.


Cole, Laura (2016) BiblioTech as the Re-Imagined Public Library: Where Will it Find You?

OLJ Task 2: The influence of technology on society.

Summarise what you know and think about the influence of technology on society in general and specifically on organisations. What are some of the main points organisations have to consider that they may not have had to consider in the past?

First of all, whenever we speak about technology, whatever we say is out of date. What happened in the 1990s with the development of the Internet seems like a long time ago in technological terms (Schwerdtfeger, 2013) . This is because technology develops very rapidly. Once things take hold, they are used and they become common; then developments and innovations start to happen very rapidly. This is the case with technology in all facets of society, as well as in organisations.

In the 1990s, there was a big uplift in the influence of technology because of the Internet. However, since then, we have had social media, artificial intelligence, virtual reality: all new technologies that can be used in organisations, for communication, for giving roles to employees, for fulfilling tasks more efficiently (Van Dijck, 2018).

Before the pandemic happened in 2020, we could not have imagined how much of our life would be on Zoom (Zote, 2021), how much we would be sitting down in front of a screen holding meetings, teaching, communicating with our peers, and our students, in all sorts of different ways. Video conferencing happened before the pandemic, but the circumstances created the right conditions whereby that technology became pivotal to the organisation, to the functioning of society, to everything. Now technology is becoming more personalised. Software is becoming more intelligent. Big data is happening: there are data banks that log and process information every time we use the Internet, every time we use social media, every time we send a message to anyone. All of that is logged somewhere, and can be used to calculate who we are, what our preferences are, etc. Now that there is voice recording, we can say things that can be heard by someone else unknown to us.

The amount of penetration technology can have in our everyday lives almost makes the traditional idea of an organisation being a building with people, all separate, all doing their work, but having a definite identity that they work there, seem like a thing of the past. Even that traditional idea of organisations is becoming redundant. We can sit at home with such power on our phone, or our tablet, our computer, and we can do the whole job. We can do everything from home without going anywhere.

That is the reality of technology, it is advancing like a spider web, going everywhere into society, so much so that it is hard to define what is an authentic real society any more. For example, in a restaurant, people are sitting looking at their phones, they are not talking to each other.

You can take advantage of the positive aspects of technology in organisations, for example, the fact that it captures our attention, the fact that there are so many options to understand what everybody is doing. It is like a good-evil choice. What do organisations do with the control technology has over people’s lives? Do they use it for a good cause, where everybody works in it somehow? Or do they use it to control people’s lives through this great power that we all have hooking up with social media, hooking up with video, all these data banks to feed us what we think the organisation wants from us?

Regarding organisational structures, everything can be made more efficient; power can be distributed much more easily over all these different media platforms. The concept of a boss telling employees what to do becomes irrelevant because nowadays this information is relayed via Email.

Or we get a message through our social media account.

The big questions are:

What values do we really have in an organisation or in society? How can we actually keep society alive beyond these technological invasions? How do we keep a normality in society when at all times everything is being invaded by social media?


Schwerdtfeger, P. (2013, March 18) What is Web 2.0? What is Social Media? What comes next?? [Video]. YouTube

Van Dijck, J. (2018). Introduction. In J. Van Dijck (Ed.), The Platform Society.  Retrieved from Oxford Scholarship Online.
Zote, J.  (2021, February 9). The most important social media trends to know for 2021. Sprout Social.

OLJ Task 1:New Older Users’ Attitudes Toward Social Networking Sites and Loneliness: The Case of the Oldest-Old Residents in a Small Italian City

This article examines the perceptions of the oldest-old segment of the population on social media sites and how relevant they are in their lives. The main aim of the study described in this article was to gauge the effects of SMS in reducing loneliness in the oldest-old that live in a small Italian city, and had never used social media before. The participants were trained in the main functions of Facebook and WhatsApp. Following the training, they were invited to a face-to-face interview to discuss their personal experience of using SMS, and how these serve to counteract feelings of loneliness and isolation. The majority of the interviewees reported positive feelings towards SMSs and the potential that these have to enhance their social life activities. Another significant finding was that SMSs are predominantly used to stay connected with other trainees, family and friends, with WhatsApp being the preferred choice as Facebook poses risks of being exposed to strangers and scams.


This study highlights the importance of training the oldest-old in new technologies, formerly considered to be exclusively the domain of younger generations. This is particularly relevant for the oldest-old living in remote communities which are often excluded from fast online connectivity. As the research on this training course is limited, the authors recommend doing further investigation, as this will probably yield further insight into the benefits of SMSs in improving the social lives of the oldest-old. Importantly, the themes explored in this study were particularly pertinent during the Covid pandemic and the resulting periods of lockdown. The oldest-old were particularly at risk during this time, and social media sites acquire a new significance, as they have the potential to mitigate social isolation and health-related anxiety.


I totally agree with the findings that more needs to be done to train the oldest-old in new social media technologies. Having this knowledge will empower them to initiate communication with loved ones, which is crucial to reducing the level of helplessness they feel at the end of their lives. Social media sites offer a glimpse of hope to the oldest-old who are often neglected and forgotten in favour of younger generations, but who still have so much to offer to society at large.



Reflection on how my views, knowledge and understanding of leadership and the role of the teacher librarian has developed during this subject

This subject has given me new insights into the concept of leadership and the teacher librarian as leader. My initial understanding was that leaders exist solely to satisfy the needs and demands of their followers (Rivero De Cole, 2021). While engaging with the readings, I have learned that the concept of leadership is complex and nuanced, and that it is different from management, in that if implemented effectively it brings about a positive change. Importantly, this subject has allowed me to deepen my understanding of the theory of leadership, and relate this new-found knowledge to my particular school context. Prior to undertaking this subject, I had not fully grasped how the different leadership styles can co-exist in an integrated model that promotes enhanced student outcomes, as is the case in my school. The leadership style in my school shares elements of the instructional, distributed and transformational models, in the way that collaboration at all hierarchical levels, risk-taking in teaching practices and innovative change are encouraged and applauded.


In the future, I will take the lead to seek collaboration opportunities with specialist teachers, by, for example, engaging in curriculum mapping and embedding inquiry-based learning in school programs, as collaboration is an important aspect of both distributed and transformational leadership (Harris, 2014; Smith, 2016) and this is an area that I definitely need to improve upon.


Another crucial leadership role that the teacher librarian exercises is that of digital citizenship and online safety expert (Johnson, 2019). While doing this subject, I have come to realise that it will be highly beneficial to create a set of digital citizenship lessons aimed at Stage 4 students, in conjunction with the roll-call and wellbeing team, that can be seamlessly embedded in the wellbeing program that is taught on a daily basis. I work in an all-girls, multicultural school where online safety is a priority due to the vulnerability and innocence of the students, some of whom speak English as a Second Language and struggle to comprehend the meaning of the information available online.


My understanding of the teacher librarian as instructional leader has developed as well, specifically in relation to imparting professional learning to subject teachers, such as in how to embed digital and information literacy sequentially in school programs. Professional learning has been proven to enhance the whole of the school’s learning community as it promotes teachers’ effectiveness and leads to increased student outcomes (Cole, 2012). The teacher librarian, with their bird’s eye view of the school coupled with knowledge of the curriculum, is ideally placed to initiate professional learning opportunities that are ongoing, purposeful and grounded in teaching content (Cole, 2012). The concept of leading from the middle (Gottlieb, 2012) has had a profound impact on me, as I had underestimated the power that creating a positive environment around me and being my best self has on colleagues and students alike. Looking ahead, I will endeavour to cultivate this positive influence further, by modelling best practice, making the library visible through the promotion of the available resources and 21st century learning practices, and establishing meaningful connections with teacher colleagues in order to make a real difference in the lives of the students (Oberg, 2011).


Finally, one of the key lessons of this subject has been on the importance of engaging in ongoing personal learning through teacher librarian professional networks and communities (Bales, 2017; Green, 2011). I need to build my capacity to be more actively involved in professional learning, both through formal and informal channels, in order to bring my school library to the forefront of cutting-edge technology and 21st century learning (Bales, 2017).




Bales, J. (2017). Collector, curator or collaborator. Connections, 100.

Cole, P. (2012). Linking effective professional learning with effective teaching practice.

Gottlieb, H. (2012, October 30). Leading from the middle: Bringing out the best in everyone. Creating the Future.

Green, G. (2011). Learning leadership through the school library. Access, 25 (4), 22-26

Harris, A. (2014, September 29). Distributed leadership. Teacher Magazine

Johnson, D. (2019). The school librarian: Your ultimate digital resource. Educational Leadership, 76(5).

Oberg, D. (2011). Teacher librarians as cultural change agents. SCIS Connections, (79).

Rivero De Cole, A. (2021, July 20). Thoughts on Leadership. Angelinaivero’s reflective journal.

Smith, B. (2016). The role of leadership style in creating a great school. SELU Research Review Journal, 1(1), 65-78.