On this page you will find links to online databases which contain a range of ancient sources related to the areas of study offered by the university ancient history department.

Search the Library

Use the library’s Primo Search tool to find what ancient sources are in the library’s collection. This will also give you access to all books, journal articles and databases in the library’s collection. Searches can be further specified using the ‘refine my research’ feature to limit results to format, year of publication and more.

Ancient Databases

Loeb Classical Library

This database provides online searchable access to both Greek (green) and Latin (red) texts with the most up to date English translations, which allows users to browse, search and comprehend with ease.

Library of Ancient Texts Online

An catalogue of ancient Greek texts which have been reproduced into online copies. These copies can be accessed both in ancient Greek and English.

PHI Latin Texts

A database containing select Latin texts written prior to 200 A.D. as well as texts from late antiquity curated by the Packard Humanities Institute.

Archaeological Evidence

Site reports from archaeological digs provide important evidence.  Information about, location, chronology as well as architecture and artifacts can often be found in these sources.

The Giza Archive

An extensive resource containing photographs, documents and other materials on the Great Pyramids of Giza and their surroundings collected by the Museum of Fine Arts: Boston.

The Digital Archaeological Record

An online archive of international archaeological records focused on the long-term preservation of archaeological data.

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