About Me!

Hello, my name is Kymberly Perks (My prefered name is Kym).

I am an indigenous, cis-gender female who is about to turn 25 years old. I am also about to move 16 hours away from home out to Woorabinda, rural QLD. I have received a job as a high school teacher, and I’m working from the school library. I am incredibly excited about this opportunity to broaden my teaching knowledge and learn in a completely new environment. I will be working exclusively with indigenous students as the area has been handed back to Country, and no one is allowed on the land without the permission of the elders of the land. I hope to be able to help these children to achieve their goals in life and to make a positive impact on them.

If you wish to know any more about my Rural QLD experiences or with the indigenous students, please do not hesitate to comment on any posts with questions.