Banned book: ‘And Tango Makes Three’ by Justin Richardson

And Tango Makes Three. (2005).

Just by look at the cover of this sweet, endearing looking children’s book, you may be intrigued as to what the book would contain for it to be banned.

Typically, for a book to be banned it usually contains the following:

-Encouragement of Racism, homosexuality, drug use, swear words, sexuality, violence, witchcraft, political bias, unpopular religious opinions or the book is deemed as age inappropriate.

(Butler University Libraries, 2019).


What is the book about?

‘And tango makes three’ by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell is a children’s picture book that is based on a true story about two male penguins at the Central Park Zoo that raise a chick together.

Michael Kinsell, 2018, January 24

My Review

In a society that is still challenged to accept homosexuality, this a a very courageous book to have been written, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with same sex couples.

This book is perfect for children that have parents or even a family member that are different. I can imagine this book providing comfort for children that have two parents that are the same gender, dealing with seeing their class mates at school with mothers and fathers. For a small child, this could feel very isolating if children ridicule them because the other children do not understand why that child’s parents are not like theirs.

The ‘Australian Institute of Family Studies’ conducted a research assignment in 2013 with the findings that about 11% of  homosexual men in Australia have children, and 33% of homosexual women in Australia have children. (Dempsey, 2013, p. 2).


Gay Star News, 2017, December 12.


What have I learnt about banned books?

I have learnt that banned books such as ‘And Tango Makes Three’ often provide beneficial learning and comfort for many children. Such organizations such as ‘The American Library Association (ALA) are promoting their annual ‘Banned Book Week’ that celebrates the freedom to read and draws attention to the harm of censorship. (The American Library Association, 2020).

The American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA) also promote a banned book week. Ny’Shira Lundy, a 15 year old student that believes in the freedom of reading has stated to ASJA; “I feel like children should have the power to learn about what they want to learn about” (American Society of Journalist and Authors, 2020).


Charles Brownstein, chair of the Banned Books Week Coalition (BBWC) committee, stated that:

“Banned Books Week gives everyone a chance to celebrate their story. The courageous students, teachers, librarians, and authors who stand up for challenged ideas remind us that intellectual freedom is our birthright. By creating an event for your community, posting online about the freedom to read, or even just reading a banned book, each person has an opportunity to further that right.”

(American Society of Journalists and Authors, 2020).



American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA). (2020) For The Media.Retrieved from:

And Tango Makes Three. (2005). Retrieved 19 January, 2020 from:

Butler University Libraries. (2019).Lib Guides: Reasons for Banning Books. Retrieved from:

Dempsey, D. (2013). Australian Institute of Family Studies: Same-sex Partnered Families in Australia.CFCA Paper No. 18. Retrieved from:

Gay Star News. (2017, December 12). Kids React to Gay Penguin Children’s Book And Tango Makes Three. Retrieved from:

Michael Kinsell. (2018, January 24). And Tango Makes Three|Adoption and Friendship| Books for Kids Read Aloud. Retrieved from:

The American Library Association. (2020). Banned Books Week. Retrieved from:

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