Digital Accessibility & Inclusion Webinar

Subject Area: Accessibility in digital environment for people with a disability
Type: Online webinar
Length: 1.5 hours
Level: All Libraries – General audience
Organisers: Information Innovation @ UTS
Presenters: Multiple
Format: 1.5 hour MeetUP webinar

Evaluation of the activity

The event was dedicated to exploring digital content and identifying ways to ensure all clients have an inclusive online experience.

The event was held on the 10th of November via Zoom to allow for a question via chat or in-person as permitted. My interest in attending was in part due to my current work on a project as a digital learning officer and finding best practice ways to assist with designing inclusive online content for students and academics I work with.

In my substantive position, I have an active contact role as a Client Services Officer at the University of Queensland supporting students with disabilities in the Walter Harris law library. This role involves working with students to ensure they have access to facilities and resources they require for their studies or finding ways to enable access where there are issues such as providing digitised versions of print material to an accessible format if an electronic version is not available to my current role especially the experiences revealed by Sarah Pulis and Laila Coulton in the way they have been able to develop and implement strategies and tools in corporations where none had previously existed and of the challenges involved in collaborating with both specialist staff and management in having ideas implemented.

Libraries are no longer places where our concern should be if people can access the top and bottom shelves for an item. The ability to engage with electronic resources and, podcast, audio books are opening new worlds to both existing and new clients in engaging information and enriching their world.

My main objective now is to review our content creation guides and seek ways to improve accessibility options for clients using our online resources and instructional material.


Digital Accessibility workshop invitation screenshot

Screenshot of Learnings from Covid-19 digital accessibility

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