Open Textbook Publishing Orientation (PUB 101) Modules

Subject area: Open textbooks
Type: Online course
Length: 4 hours
Level: Library Technicians and Librarians anyone interested in creating an open textbook
Organisers: Open Education Network
Presenter: None – Self-paced learning
Format: Online training modules, 4 hours of reading and additional materials (e. g. videos)

Evaluation of the activity


To learn information to help assist in the creation and benefits of self-published textbooks on an openly accessible platform.

Reason for attendance

This course was recommended by my manager as a good introduction to open textbook publishing. This and other knowledge gained through separate research and training is part of a project my team is working on to assist students with their online learning.

Relationship to work or studies

This has proved an important part of both my studies and my current work in that I increasingly find information for my studies coming from open textbooks. The financial benefits of not having to purchase multiple textbooks or incur fees for interlibrary loans has been a great benefit, something I am sure most students can relate to in our current economic climate. From the perspective of my work, I have able to incorporate the knowledge gained to create online content that enables students to use the Library in the development of information and digital literacy skills and supporting teaching skills.

Learning Outcomes

The online modules are an incredible resource on information relating to Open Licenses, copyright and the initial development and structure of an open textbook. The importance of inclusivity in the design and interactivity with the reader down to the final development of specific eBook production. The initial modules themselves are easy to use and read through and the additional resources add to the learning experience (though will require some extra time to take into your learning experience).

Planned implementation from knowledge gained

The information gained will be used as part of the creation of an online resource for academics at the University of Queensland in the assistance of creating or collaborating on online textbooks for students in the specialized area of research.

The participation in this course in the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) platforms I am hoping will help deliver interactive educational resources in blended and online classrooms.


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