Asia-Pacific eBook Forum 2020

Subject: COVID-19 and the Future of Libraries
Type: Online Webinar
Length: 1 hour
Level: Library Information Community – Academic Libraries
Organiser: Elsevier
Presenters: Professor David Baker, Dr Lucy Eliis, Diana Chan (University Librarian Hong Kong S&T University), Diane Bruxvoort (Dean of Libraries University of North Texas), Caroline Williams (University Librarian University of Queensland), Moderated by: Sumeet Rohatgi
Format: 1-hour online webinar, inlcuding question time

Evaluation of the activity

The webinar was an opportunity for members of the library information community to gather and discuss the challenges faced by libraries caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation was specifically aimed towards academic libraries. However, I feel that members from the general library information industry would have benefited from attending and gaining knowledge and initiative from how colleagues have dealt with ensuring their client-maintained access to their studies during this unprecedented time.

My interest in attending was related to my current work as a Digital Learning Officer and seeking new information or partners to collaborate in creating online resources to assist with student learning and tools to assist online teaching for academics. Initiatives such as those presented by Diana Chan from the University of Science and Technology in Hong Kong was of particular interest with the collaboration of the library with University faculties to create technologies that monitored client’s temperatures before entering the libraries. If a fever was detected the patron was advised to seek medical attention immediately and restricted entry to protect patrons already inside.

The information gained from this session will allow me to liaise with our own facilities officers in discussing ways to improve social distancing and additional protective measures for both our clients and staff.


Asia Pacific ebook screenshot

Covid 19


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