How my views on social networking have changed
On reflection, my experience using Social Media prior to starting the INF206 subject involved interactions between personal usage and work-related projects. The main platforms I had used before starting the Bachelor of Information Science revolved around the use of Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and WordPress. The main reasoning behind such a limited repertoire of platforms was to keep a contained online presence and profile. This was structured mostly around Facebook as being my personal presence while LinkedIn represented my professional online representation.
My most recent experience with social media platforms was my involvement in a work-based project looking to enhance the digital literacy skills of students coming into an academic environment for the first time. There is an inaccurate assumption the students coming into academic studies from high school are “Digital Natives” and have the capacity to thrive due to their enhanced online knowledge (Stevenson & Lindberg, 2010).
Since commencing the course I have begun to branch out into a variety of new experiences, the first of which was joining and using the INF206 202030 Facebook groups component for the subject.
I do not think I could have chosen a more interesting time to be doing the subject for personal exploration as well as assisting staff utilising new technology online for the first time and utilising tools outside the normal course related structure to engage and enhance student learning and communication.