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ETL401: A Reflection On Learning

ETL401: A Reflection On Learning

When I reflect upon how far my learning has come since the beginning of this subject, I have come to realise that the preconceived ideas that I had were from a different era of teacher librarianship (Wilson, 2021, March 8). In recent times the profession has undergone a renaissance, reinventing itself to meet the need for students to be information literate in the 21st century. Through regular blogging and online discussions, I can see just how far my understanding of information literacy, inquiry learning models and the teacher librarian’s role in inquiry learning has come.


My initial understanding of information literacy was simply the action of selecting, locating and evaluating resources. My new understanding acknowledges that information literacy is complex, broad and context dependent. With the information landscape continuing to evolve at a rapid rate, the definition of information literacy will evolve with it and in turn, change the skills and knowledge required of me as a teacher librarian (Wilson, 2021, May 5). To begin constructing my own understanding, I applied Annemaree Lloyd’s (2007, p. 5) sociocultural definition of information literacy to the context of student learning and identified that the development of transliteracy skills, student collaboration, engaging students using all their senses, and incorporating ICT were crucial in the teaching of information literacy (Wilson, 2021, April 26).


With my increased understanding of information literacy comes a greater understanding of the Australian Curriculum’s (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, n.d.) general capabilities and their place within teaching and learning. In module 4.1a and 4.1b, I reflected upon my personal experience as a classroom teacher trying to reconcile best practice with other competing demands (Wilson, 2021, April 16; Wilson, 2021, April 17). I resonated with what Lee FitzGerald (2018, p. 53) cited as an inhibitor for collaboration: “embarrassment”. I was embarrassed for not understanding how to incorporate the general capabilities within my teaching. Having now had practice in embedding the general capabilities within an inquiry unit and identifying how to assess these skills, I now feel more capable in incorporating these skills and processes into future guided inquiry units.


Through my learning of information literacy models I came to the conclusion that any challenges or disadvantages bought about by the implementation of a guided inquiry approach were outweighed by the advantages; the most notable being that “a guided inquiry approach to learning allows our students to construct their own meaning and subsequently create lifelong learning skills” (Wilson, 2021, May 1). Of the many information literacy models I analysed, the one that piqued my interests was Guided Inquiry Design (Kuhlthau et al, 2015, p. 53). As a lower primary teacher, I always believed that research tasks were reserved for older students. However, Guided Inquiry Design has shown me that by scaffolding their emerging research skills and harnessing their natural curiosity (Maniotes, 2018, p. 19), even the youngest of students can develop inquiry skills. Utilising digital tools allows teachers to collect qualitative data on the inquiry process (Wilson, 2021, April 14) and support younger students to record reflections on their learning orally, mitigating the need for well-developed writing skills.


I have come to learn that the role of a teacher librarian is teacher first, librarian second. This concept was reinforced when I examined the standards within the Evidence Guide for Teacher Librarians in The Proficient Career Stage (Australian School Library Association, 2014) (Wilson, 2021, April 19). I previously held the misconception that teacher librarians simply connected classroom teachers to relevant resources when planning units of inquiry. I now recognise that collaboration is the key to embedding information literacy and sits at the core of a teacher librarian’s role. However, creating a culture where collaboration is valued amongst classroom teachers is no easy feat, requiring a teacher librarian to think long-term and begin with “one interested teacher at a time” (Garrison & FitzGerald, 2019) (Wilson, 2021, April 23).


In module 4.3, I examined research that provided evidence of the impact a teacher librarian has on student reading results (Hughes, 2013, para. 1) and expressed the opinion:

If the mere presence of a teacher librarian (sometimes not even qualified with dual qualifications) in a school has the impact to improve reading results, then I imagine the active involvement from a dually-qualified teacher librarian in curriculum development would have an even greater impact on student learning and achievement across many other learning areas (Wilson, 2021, April 24).

Therefore, by expanding my own understanding of information literacy and inquiry learning through ETL401 and putting this new learning into action, I should be able to make a significant pedagogical impact on the teaching and learning within my school.



Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (n.d.). General capabilities.


Australian School Library Association. (2014). Evidence Guide for Teacher Librarians in The Proficient Career Stage. ASLA.


FitzGerald, L. (2018). Guided inquiry goes global : Evidence-based practice in action. ABC-CLIO, LLC


Garrison, K. L. & FitzGerald, L. (2019, October 21-25). “One interested teacher at a time”: Australian Teacher Librarian Perspectives on Collaboration and Inquiry [conference paper]. 48th Annual Conference of the International Association of School Librarianship and the 23rd International Forum on Research in School Librarianship, Dubrovnik, Croatia.


Hughes, H. (2013).  School libraries and teacher-librarians: evidence of their contribution to student literacy and learning. Curriculum and Leadership Journal, 11(12).,36453.html?issueID=12777


Kuhlthau, C. C., Maniotes, L. K., & Caspari, A. K. (2015). Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century (2nd ed.). Libraries Unlimited.


Lloyd, A. (2007). Learning to put out the red stuff: Becoming information literate through discursive practice. Library Quarterly77(2), 181-198.


Maniotes, L. K. (2018). Guided Inquiry Design in Action: Elementary School. Libraries Unlimited.

My initial understanding of the role of a teacher librarian

My initial understanding of the role of a teacher librarian

My initial understanding of the role a teacher librarian plays within a school was shaped by the experiences and the system for which I worked in. From 2014 to 2019 I was working in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) public school system as a classroom teacher. In the ACT, school budget constrains mean that “only four out of 10 public schools had a library that was staffed by a qualified teacher librarian” in 2020 (Lansdown, 2020, para. 6). This means that I have had limited experience in working alongside a teacher librarian and subsequently developed many misconceptions regarding what the role entailed. The first school I worked for shared a teacher librarian with a nearby school. I only saw them during my allocated 40-minute library time where I only observed them assisting students to borrow and return books. At the second school I worked for there was no teacher librarian. The library was staffed by a part-time administrative assistant whose role was to ensure that the library was in an orderly condition. We as teachers were encouraged to facilitate library time with our class ourselves.


Because of my limited experience working alongside teacher librarians, I viewed the position as more of an administrative role that was a luxury reserved only for schools who could afford one. I held the assumption that all those who worked in the position came from an information sciences background, not an education background. They were to ensure that the library was orderly by placing books carefully back on the shelf using an understanding of the Dewey Decimal System. A teacher librarian would get students excited about reading by sharing new stories or helping them find books on a topic of interest. They had one week every year, Book Week, which was their time to shine. During Book Week they would organise a dress up day, facilitate the book fair and announce the winners of the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s book of the year. I only ever saw the surface-level tasks that teacher librarians performed and believed that was the whole role, not understanding the deep pedagogical support that they provide to teachers and students behind the scenes.


Today I am much more aware of the important role a teacher librarian plays. It is promising to see the ACT government has also recognised the importance this role has “in enriching the learning environment of all of our students and the wider school community” (Australian Capital Territory, 2019, p. 1) and followed through pledging to fund scholarships for 10 teachers to up-skill each year the next five years (Lewis, 2021, para. 2). A renewed focus on employing more teacher librarians makes me hopeful that more people will gain a greater appreciation and understanding of the positions impact within a school and in doing so, eliminating many of the misconceptions that exist.


I am excited to be commencing a degree in a field that I can now see has far-reaching impact on the teaching and learning within a school. I am now much more informed about the role but I am also aware that I have so much more to learn on this learning journey… let’s begin!



Australian Capital Territory. (2019). School Libraries: The Heart of 21st Century Learning.


Lansdown, S. (2020, September 9). ACT election 2020: Liberals promise to recruit teacher librarians as parents call for school libraries to be protected. The Canberra Times.


Lewis, Kathryn. (2021, February 1). ACT government to provide 10 teachers a year scholarship to complete librarian qualifications. The Canberra Times.

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