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Tag: Collection Management

Censorship and the school library

Censorship and the school library

In the article entitled Selection & Censorship: It’s simple arithmetic (2002), Dave Jenkinson outlines the following three challenges when dealing with censorship in the school library. This blog post will analyse each challenge and identify if Australian school libraries face the same challenges around censorship.


1. The majority of school censors are parents, but in-school censorship from teachers and other school personnel is still significant.

While it is difficult to obtain statistics around who is censoring materials, there is no doubt that challenges towards resources is happening within Australian schools. Reflecting upon my own teaching career, I have personally experienced in-school censoring of resources. Early on in my teaching career, the Senior Leadership Team at the time were not happy with a picture book that was selected for the CBCA National Simultaneous Storytime that year. The book was subsequently replaced with another picture book that was read at the dedicated time. In hindsight, if I was the teacher librarian at that time, I could have approached the executive team with my concerns, referencing the school’s collection development policy and other relevant documentation from Australian and international library standards to justify why the deselection of the book is a form of censorship.


2. The level of principal involvement in the development of censorship policies and generating awareness around these policies.

Dave outlines how there is a guiding principle within the Vancouver School District that suggests “the principal should review the selection and objection rules with the teaching staff at least annually” (Jenkinson, 2002, p. 22). The Australian School Library Survey Report 2021 (Softlink, 2022) found that 26% of teacher librarians experienced a low to very low level of support from their Senior Leadership Teams (p. 4). This would mean that at least one quarter of principals within Australia would not be engaging with their school library at same level of engagement expected of principals of schools within Vancouver. This has prompted me to ensure that I make the effort to engage my future Senior Leadership Team in creation and promotion of the school’s collection development and management policies, particularly around the topic of censorship and challenges towards the collection.


3. Self-censorship

My initial understanding of the word ‘censorship’ involved the conscious and active suppression of information in order to influence or control. The most significant learning I gained from this article and Module 4 material (Gagen-Spriggs & Oddonne, 2023) is that a teacher librarian pre-emptively not including a resource in order to avoid dealing with a possible challenge to the collection from the school community in the future may find themselves inadvertently censoring their school collection. Relying on the collection development and management policies of the school, teacher librarians need to be courageous and justified in the selection of resources for their library, regardless of a potential challenge.


Although this article is written twenty years ago and from a Canadian perspective, challenges towards resources are not time- or place-bound and are still faced by Australian teacher librarians today. Regardless of how libraries evolve into the 21st century, challenges towards the information housed within will be an eternal minefield that teacher librarians will need to navigate.



Jenkinson, D. (2002). Selection and censorship: It’s simple arithmetic. School libraries in Canada, 2(4), 22-23.


Gagen-Spriggs, K. & Oddonne, K. (2023). Module 4: Selection of Resources [Study notes]. ETL503: Resourcing the Curriculum. Interact 2.


Softlink. (2022). Australian School Library Survey Report 2021.

Collection Development and Management

Collection Development and Management

At first glance, it can appear as if the terms ‘collection development’ and ‘collection management’ are interchangeable. Once I was able to tease out the differences between the two, I was able to see that both processes, while intertwined, have the teacher librarian using their knowledge and expertise in different ways. In this blog post, I explore my current understanding of collection development through the creation of my own process diagram and reflect upon what I believe are the differences between collection development and collection management.


Collection Development

To commence my understanding of collection development, I examined Kay Oddone’s Collection Development: Process diagram (Oddone, 2019). I used this as a basis to create my own version, as seen below. As I am not currently working in a library setting, it will be interesting to revisit this post in the future to see how I may change or adapt this version of the collection development process.

Amanda Wilson's interpretation of the Collection Development Process
My personal interpretation of the Collection Development Process.

Identify: Identify the needs of the school community in which your library serves.

Locate: Locate potential resources that could meet the needs of library stakeholders. This could be through purchasing new resources, using local library networks or inter-library loans.

Select: Select the resources accordingly. If purchasing new resources, the budget may need to be referred to. Otherwise, inter-library loans could be organised at this stage.

Catalogue: Once the resources have been received by the library, they will need to be catalogued in a way that makes them accessible to library users.

Promote: Teacher Librarians will need to actively promote the resources in their library. This is especially important for “invisible” resources, such as the digital collection.

Evaluate: Stocktake resources and evaluate if the resources are still of value to the library community.

Weed: Weed out those resources that are no longer of value to the library community.


Where to start?

I believe it is crucial to begin with ‘identify’ when developing the library collection. The needs of students, teachers and the wider school community should underpin all decisions made when it comes to the development of the collection. The school library serves the community in which it is located, and its collection needs to be reflective of this.


One step that I felt was missing…

One step that I felt was missing from Oddone’s diagram was ‘promote’. Resources that are not actively promoted within the school community could be deemed irrelevant and subsequently weeded from the collection, when the main issue is it was not easily accessible or obscured from students and teachers. This is especially important for the digital collection, as digital resources don’t take up space like a physical book, therefore they can be easily overlooked and underutilised by the library users. Finding creative ways, such as using QR codes and thematic displays, to promote these resources is an essential task for the Teacher Librarian to mitigate any unnecessary weeding or double-up in resourcing.


Collection Development vs. Collection Management

From my understanding, collection development is a collaborative process between all members within the learning community. The Teacher Librarian takes on the role of leader in the collection development process, but the process involves the input of teachers, students, executive staff, families, and any other stakeholders in the learning community. On the other hand, collection management is at the core of the Teacher Librarian’s role. It involves them using their skill and expert knowledge to make nuanced decisions around what is included in the collection, ensuring that the collection as a whole is unbiased, reflects the school community and is accessible to all. Collection management also involves understanding the school’s mission and vision and aligning the library’s collection development policy with these priorities.



Oddone, K. (2019). School library collection development: It’s not as simple as you might think. Linking Learning.

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