School libraries and The Information Hierarchy

School libraries and The Information Hierarchy

If someone had asked me prior to studying ETL401 to define ‘information’, I would have described it as: facts pertaining to a particular topic. This initial understanding of ‘information’ aligns with a semantic way of thinking; that information must contain meaning and be of a factual or instructional nature (Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2015). Seeing information through the lens of the classic definition, that focuses more on the transmission of information separate from meaning, gave me another perspective that I…

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My initial understanding of the role of a teacher librarian

My initial understanding of the role of a teacher librarian

My initial understanding of the role a teacher librarian plays within a school was shaped by the experiences and the system for which I worked in. From 2014 to 2019 I was working in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) public school system as a classroom teacher. In the ACT, school budget constrains mean that “only four out of 10 public schools had a library that was staffed by a qualified teacher librarian” in 2020 (Lansdown, 2020, para. 6). This means…

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