ETL401: A Reflection On Learning

ETL401: A Reflection On Learning

When I reflect upon how far my learning has come since the beginning of this subject, I have come to realise that the preconceived ideas that I had were from a different era of teacher librarianship (Wilson, 2021, March 8). In recent times the profession has undergone a renaissance, reinventing itself to meet the need for students to be information literate in the 21st century. Through regular blogging and online discussions, I can see just how far my understanding of…

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The Redefinition of Literacy Skills and its Effects on Teaching

The Redefinition of Literacy Skills and its Effects on Teaching

The information landscape has evolved at a rapid pace over the last few decades. I am a part of a generation; Gen Y, otherwise known as the Millennials; that has grown up within this rapidly changing environment. In the little country primary school that I attended, we had 1 computer in the library that was connected to dial-up internet that was so painfully slow. In high school, the internet was becoming common-place for socialising, with all my friends and I…

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The Advantages, Challenges and Disadvantages of Implementing a Guided Inquiry Approach

The Advantages, Challenges and Disadvantages of Implementing a Guided Inquiry Approach

The implementation of any new learning program within a school brings with it advantages, challenges and disadvantages. Through pre-identification, teacher librarians can gain a wholistic view of the guided inquiry framework they wish to implement. They will be able to use points of advantage to advocate for its implementation and develop an understanding amongst staff of its potential impact on student learning. Pre-identifying challenges and disadvantages allows the teacher librarian to predict possible hurdles and subsequently plan to mitigate their…

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A Work in Progress: My Initial Understanding of Information Literacy

A Work in Progress: My Initial Understanding of Information Literacy

I am currently at the very beginning in regard to forming my understanding of information literacy, so the views that I write below are my preliminary understanding of things to consider when embedding information literacy as a teacher librarian. No doubt these views and understandings will evolve and change the more I learn, so it will be interesting to revisit this post in the future to see how far my understanding has developed.   Annemaree Lloyd’s (2007b) article, entitled Recasting…

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Slow And Steady Wins The (Collaborative) Race

Slow And Steady Wins The (Collaborative) Race

‘Collaboration’ has been a reoccurring topic weaved throughout the modules of ETL401, yet it appears to be a concept that many school communities still struggle with. Teacher librarians need to be prepared to be patient and persistent while also setting realistic goals when advocating for a collaborative approach to teaching within a school. Annette Lamb (2011, p. 30) points out that the process is not a quick fix, rather “it may take a number of years to develop the type…

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The ASLA Evidence Guide: Teacher first, librarian second

The ASLA Evidence Guide: Teacher first, librarian second

The Evidence Guide for Teacher Librarians in The Proficient Career Stage (Australian School Library Association, 2014) is a window through which I am able to gain a comprehensive understanding of what will be expected of me when I eventually step into the role of a teacher librarian. As discussed in my first blog post, I am commencing this degree with limited predetermined ideas of what the role should be. This has allowed me to look at the role through fresh…

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Using digital tools to collect evidence

Using digital tools to collect evidence

As mentioned in a previous blog post, teacher librarians will become an endangered species if they do not make visible what is invisible; that is, the pedagogical impact of their role on the teaching and learning within a school. Collecting evidence gives a teacher librarian the ability to make the pedagogical impact of their role obvious. In the school context, evidence can then be used to accurately guide the direction of the school library (Bonanno, 2015, p. 17). On a…

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A Self-Reflection on my Essay: eBooks vs. print books

A Self-Reflection on my Essay: eBooks vs. print books

I write this post with a mix of emotions running though me. I have just hit the ‘submit’ button for my first assignment in ETL401. It is the first essay that I have written in 9 years. I’m thrilled that I have completed the essay. I’m nervous about what the reader/marker will think. I’m doubting myself, questioning if I actually covered the topic succinctly. I’m proud that I achieved what a few weeks ago seemed like an absolutely daunting task….

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Are school librarians an endangered species?

Are school librarians an endangered species?

Teacher librarians will become an endangered species if they do not make visible what is invisible; that is, the pedagogical impact of their role on the teaching and learning within a school. Current changes within the learning landscape have created an opportunity for teacher librarians to evolve and position themselves as the information specialists that support their school community in the transition to an increasingly digitised curriculum. They are also well placed between the information and education disciplines to support…

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Using the Australian School Library Association’s Evidence Guides for Teacher Librarians as a Reflective Practitioner

Using the Australian School Library Association’s Evidence Guides for Teacher Librarians as a Reflective Practitioner

Reflection is a major element in teacher growth and development, thus it is common to hear teachers referred to as ‘reflective practitioners’ (Ghaye, 2011, p.22). Tony Ghaye (2011) emphasises the importance of reflection for growth within the teaching profession by stating that “with structure, challenge and support, the reflective process enables thinking and practice to move forward” (Ghaye, 2011, p.23). The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, 2011) acknowledges the role it plays in…

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