ETL533 2.2: Digital Learning Frameworks

For my own future purposes, I thought it would be a good idea to create a summary of various frameworks designed to help educators incorporate technology into their practice.

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy is familiar to many teachers, and has been updated for digital environments:

Kelly (2016).


Another way of looking at Bloom’s Taxonomy in the digital world is provided by Schrock, who adjusts the conceptual stages so that they all feed into the higher-order tasks surrounding the creation of new content:


Schrock (n.d.).


Schrock also compares their view of the updated Bloom’s Taxonomy to the SAMR model:

Schrock (n.d.).

The T3 Framework identifies three stages of digital learning:

  1. Translational = focus on automation, consumption of digital knowledge
  2. Transformational = focus on production and contribution of digital knowledge
  3. Transcendent = focus on inquiry design and social entrepreneurship



Finally, there is the TPACK model, which “attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching, while addressing the complex, multifaceted and situated nature of teacher knowledge”:




Kelly (2016 March 1). The evolution of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Schrock, K. (n.d.). Bloomin’ apps. Retrieved from