Read Bonanno’s 2015 A profession at the tipping point (revisited)
In your Thinkspace, consider Karen’s points and summarise in 100 words what you see as the ‘take home message’ with regard to answering the question:
Are school librarians an endangered species?
We can all agree that the teacher librarian role within a school is important – after all, we are all undergoing yet another masters degree. But just how important do others in our profession view us? After reading Bonnano’s paper (2015) and reviewing the video located on the module 3 web page it was clear to me that now, more then ever , the teacher librarian possess some pretty specialized skills sets hat ordinary classroom teachers do not have the opportunity to explore. Now, more then ever, qualified Teacher Librarians are making the most of new and integrated technologies, smaller or limited budgets and a overabundance of information – as well as being the in the front line against the misinformation sphere.
There has been strong evidence that suggests that Teacher librarians are integral to the success of our students. With the governments emphasis on increasing student literacy and the integration of 21st century skills into syllabus KLA’s – how can we not utilize the one person qualified to implement these in our schools? Quite often, a teacher librarians role is misunderstood by his/her coworkers leading to the belief that we are not needed. I know that in my space it is integral to keep myself relevant and important to those around me. I know that if I can add value to what I do \, I can keep myself relevant and on top of my co-workers minds.
Bonanno, K. (2015, March). A profession at the tipping point (revisited). Access. 14-21. Retrieved from