October 11

Week 11- Progress Report


NAME: Aliya Fatima
PROJECT TITLE: Monitoring Healthcare Activities and data processing through Remote Access by enabling IoT and Big data
PLANNING Implementation of IoT in remote healthcare monitoring
IoT has connected to several devices of healthcare and uses the cloud application to enhance the information of users.



IoT, internet of thing increasing the future for every process, remote healthcare monitoring uses this improve the medical system. It allocates the sensor and system of the device to access the remote healthcare system. IoT serves all the functions of this project.
ISSUES  Cloud implementation attacks in IoT
Cloud has the biggest data stocks, the personal data can be deleted by the viruses and worms, etc.



The data should be stored in the three main divisions of the cloud so the data traffic won’t occur.  Yes

Posted October 11, 2020 by Aliya in category Uncategorized

About the Author

Hi my name is Aliya Fatima, and i am currently studying masters in IT- FUNDAMENTAL from Charles Sturt University. I choose the topic " Monitoring Healthcare Activities and data processing through Remote Access by enabling IOT and Big data " in Emerging Technology & Innovation because I think the topic is very interesting aspect to medical science in respect to usage of modern technologies such as IOS and big data for monitoring healthcare activities in remote service area.

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