July 31

WEEK 1 ( Project Title, Abstract, Blog & Progress Reports )

Hi my name is ALIYA FATIMA, I am currently studying masters in IT-Fundamental from Charles Sturt University. I have choosen the topic “Monitoring Healthcare Activities and data processing through Remote Access by enabling IoT and Big data” as my topic for my Emerging Technologies project because I feel the topic is very new to the generation, it focus on the usage of IOS and Big data for modern science by monitoring the healthcare activities in remote server areas.


Proposal –Project Statement

The research is based on the monitoring of the healthcare activities of the people by using the smart devices like IoT which is accessed through the remote access. The people are monitor through the remote server which involved with the smart watches, smart phones, along with sensors and wearable devices. The proposed system enable the continuous monitoring of the people health conditions by use of the sensible devices. The data from the smart devices, are collected and processed by use of big data analytics. The big data analytical methods are support for the remote health monitoring and provide solutions for health data processing.

Description for the Proposal

Health data processing is most important processing in this era. The people are try to avoid the hospitals and plan to access the hospital environment through the remote server. The patient carry with the wearable devices for their health monitoring purposes and the data were processed through big data for make a decision (Heo et al., 2019, p. xx). Another thing in the medical industry is to trace the drugs for the patients which should be confidential. Security and privacy of medical data is important which is achieved by implementing the blockchain technology.

Objective of the Project

The main purpose of the proposal is to achieve the smart health systems which helps to monitor the patients through use of the remote server. The smart devices (IoT) are used for monitor and record the data from the patients effectively. By use of the IoT, large amount of data was collected to the system which is effectively processed by implementing the big data analytics. The big data analytics is support to derive a solution from the large amount of data. The blockchain technology is integrated with the system for ensure the healthcare data with high security (Qiu et al., 2018, p. xx).

Project Deliverables

The proposed system promises the health care industry for safe and secure access of patient data and it support to access the patient through remote access. The proposed model is to obtain the health information from the patients and the patient’s access through the remote server as shown in the below figure.

Figure 1: Information System for health monitoring through Remote Access  (Vitabile et al., 2019, p. xx)


In emerging world, monitor the healthcare is most important which is achieved from this proposed system. Various resource articles are collected and the ideas are going to be used for this proposal.


Heo, S., Jeong, S., Lee, J., & Kim, H. (2019). Development and implementation of smart healthcare bidet. 2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). https://doi.org/10.1109/csci49370.2019.00294

Qiu, J., Liang, X., Shetty, S., & Bowden, D. (2018). Towards secure and smart healthcare in smart cities using blockchain. 2018 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2). https://doi.org/10.1109/isc2.2018.8656914

Vitabile, S., Marks, M., Stojanovic, D., Pllana, S., Molina, J. M., Krzyszton, M., Sikora, A., Jarynowski, A., Hosseinpour, F., Jakobik, A., Stojnev Ilic, A., Respicio, A., Moldovan, D., Pop, C., & Salomie, I. (2019). Medical data processing and analysis for remote health and activities monitoring. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 186-220. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-16272-6_7