Week 12 – Final Report

In the Last week along side with the presentation of my topic here is my conclusion of my research.

Through this exploration, rising advancements can make many cloud-explicit securities issues. The multi-tenure of the cloud and virtualization highlights of the cloud provide its client to get to similar tangible assets as of various areas. Legitimates’ nonappearance confinement can hamper the security among Virtual Machines of the framework. In this report, it is talked about that essential highlights of distributed computing just as safety gives start due to the shared, appropriated, virtualized, and civic type of the remote setup. Thusly, this report introduced various solutions to discourse the safety matters in various zones in the computing of cloud. The even introduction of the safety assaults, dangers, problems, and its answer are incredibly assistance. Moreover, the developing countries are also going forward in the minimizing of the threats and attacks of the cloud with the education of the safety of the online setups.

Week 11 – Review 12

My very last paper for review was (Talal Halabi, 2017) in which some metrics to evaluate the services that provide the security on the cloud. To evaluate the security services at each layer of cloud architecture, they use the Goal-Question-Metric method that set the performance parameter. Further, to automate the evaluation process of the cloud service provider, cumulative weighting criteria build.

Week 10 – Review 11

In this week my reading was (Hussain, 2017)in which the author described that a multilevel classification model presents to identify the attack types and risk levels at each cloud layer. They classify the risks as low, medium, and high based on the cloud layer type. Their findings conclude that the risk level depends on the position of could layer and infrastructure layer affected mostly by attacks. Furthermore, the severe attacks depend on data encryption technique, multi-tenancy and authentication mechanism.

Week 9 – Review 10

In this week my redaing was (Doshi, 2020) described that to deal with security threats. There is a number of new techniques that ensures the dependability, reliability and privacy of the services provided through cloud computing. In this article, the author has mentioned a whole idea and history of cloud computing in detail with security concerns. Moreover, some proposed solutions mentioned ensuring security using the infrastructure. It has been seen that this technique has new and its efficiency has to tested yet in terms of providing security.

Week 8 – Review 8, 9

In this week I was able to read 2 papers for my project. In the 1st one (Yeboah-Boateng, 2018) researched and analyzed the concerns of cybersecurity on cloud computing with the perspective of Cloud Service Provider and end-user. The author exemplifies these concerns in developing economies. It has been seen that cloud computing comes under the virtual environment so it has a number of risks and threat that affects its integrity, confidentiality and authenticity.

In the 2nd (Potluri, 2016) told brief and basic information about cloud computing and its models is provided. According to that, any information or data that is transferred using a network comes under cloud computing. It has its own pros and cons involved. Pros are the easiness in transfer and modern need and cons are the security threats involved which limits the privacy or reliability of the information.

Week 7 – Review 7

In this week I studied the 7th research article for my project which has named by Cyber-Security Concerns with Cloud Computing. In this paper, the author Ezer Osei Yeboah-Boateng told us about the Cloud security concerns with the Business Value Creation and Performance Perspectives. Cloud computing emerged out of virtualization, distributed and grid computing, and has altered the value creation landscape, through strategic and sensitive information management. It offers services that use resources in a utility fashion. Expert opinions were elicited of 4 C-level officers and 10 security operatives. Shared technology issues, malicious insiders and service hijacking are considered major threats. Also, an intuitive strategic model for Value-Creation Cloud-based Cyber-security is proposed as guidance in fostering IT-enabled initiatives.

Week 6 – Review 6

This week I just read one paper as per my project plan this paper was authored by Amit Sangroya, Saurabh Kumar, Jaideep Dhok and Vasudeva Varma and the title was Towards Analyzing Data Security Risks in Cloud Computing Environments. In which authors carried out a survey to investigate the security mechanisms that are enforced by major cloud service providers. They also proposed a risk analysis approach that can be used by a prospective cloud service for analyzing the data security risks before putting its confidential data into a cloud computing environment. The finding was that there is a need for better trust management and there is a lack of structured analysis approaches that can be used for risk analysis in cloud computing environments. The approach suggested in this paper is a first step towards analyzing data security risks. That approach is easily adaptable for automation of risk analysis.


Week 5 – Review 4, 5

This week I read two articles and concluded the following:

Emerging Cloud Computing Security Threats

In this paper, the author discussed some of the most key evolving threats to Cloud systems and related services. Then, he provides some analysis results to quantify the impact of these threats. This paper addressed security risks facing cloud providers and mentioned several recognized by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA).

Survey on Security Issues and Solutions in Cloud Computing

This paper shows how the author secure the cloud security, privacy and reliability when a third party is processing sensitive data. In this paper, he has discussed security risks and concerns in cloud computing and enlightened steps that an enterprise can take to reduce security risks and protect their resources. And cloud service providers must ensure that all the SLA’s are met and human errors on their part should be minimized, enabling smooth functioning.

Week 4 – Review 2, 3

In this week, I read two papers for my project summary is the following:

Cloud Computing at a Cross Road: Quality and Risks in Higher Education

The of cloud computing advantages mirror the necessary quality attributes of the cloud, for example, Expansive system Access; Estimated Administration; On-request Self-Administration; Quick Flexibility; and Asset Pooling. Notwithstanding, there are additional hazards related to the cloud, prompting non-selection, for example, Certainty, Protection, Security, Guarantee and Trust. All in all, College partners are still at a go across the street with regards to cloud selection. Yet, future advances of the cloud may assist with directing their choice to embrace this inventive innovation given its mind-boggling potential.

Data Security Issues and Challenges in Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing has many advantages, such as flexibility, efficiency, scalability, integration, and capital reduction. Moreover, it provides an advanced virtual space for organizations to deploy their applications or run their operations. Security is one of the main challenges that hinder the growth of cloud computing. At the same time, service providers strive to reduce the risks over the clouds and increase their reliability to build mutual trust between them and the cloud customers. Various security issues and challenges are discussed in this research, and possible opportunities are stated.

Week 2 – Conceptualization

In this week I planned about the project and make a week wise worksheet in which I divided the tasks which will I be doing for the next weeks until the semester ends. Furthermore, I defined and divide the milestones with respect to each day within the expected time period. Along with some research which I did on the Google Scholar and find the most suitable research papers which will help me in the project. Cleared my doubts and built some concepts about the specifics of my field and the requirements of the project. Through and briefly evaluate the topic on the basis of the research data and newly developed knowledge regarding cloud computing. And in the end, I am writing this post to keep the log of my project.

Week 1 – Topic Selection

This is Ali Raza Gilani. I am pursuing in Masters of Information Technology with specialization in Network and Cyber Security. I found cloud computing very interesting during my degree. Moreover, It is a demand for current time because cloud services are remotely available over the internet anywhere in the world. So that every small and large business is looking forward to moving on the cloud. There are three different types of cloud services including SAAS, PAAS, IAAS that are used by different businesses over different cloud models(Public, Private, Hybrid) according to their requirements. So, In the cloud service, there are some security issues that are very important to discuss. I will be discussing security issues and will look upon the solutions to make cloud computing secure.


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