Week 8 – Review 8, 9

In this week I was able to read 2 papers for my project. In the 1st one (Yeboah-Boateng, 2018) researched and analyzed the concerns of cybersecurity on cloud computing with the perspective of Cloud Service Provider and end-user. The author exemplifies these concerns in developing economies. It has been seen that cloud computing comes under the virtual environment so it has a number of risks and threat that affects its integrity, confidentiality and authenticity.

In the 2nd (Potluri, 2016) told brief and basic information about cloud computing and its models is provided. According to that, any information or data that is transferred using a network comes under cloud computing. It has its own pros and cons involved. Pros are the easiness in transfer and modern need and cons are the security threats involved which limits the privacy or reliability of the information.

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