Week 4 Report

Week 4 Report

Name : Rodney Higgins
Project Title: Investigate Artificial Intelligence Adoption and Impact for Web Developers
Week No : 4 Date: 4/08/2020
Milestone: Planned: Actual: Comments:
1. Focusing on assignment 2 and finishing off powerpoint. 04/08/2020 Ongoing Will finish before submission date.
2. Further work on literature resources. 04/08/2020 Ongoing More to do
3. Studying what conceptual frameworks are. 07/08/2020 07/08/2020 More confused now then before I started.
Description: Date: Action/Results: Finished:
1. Unsure about different aspects of the project plan and proposal. Unsure what research frameworks are and unsure about research methods. 04/08/2020 Still researching / studying the approaches and concepts about research. N