I am an experienced web developer with over 20 years experience in programming, although currently working as a solution architect. I am proficient in several programming languages including;
C (since 1996)
Java (since 1997)
PHP (since 2004)
I have worked with HTML, XML, SASS / CSS, SVG, flash, coldfusion, objective-c, swift and many other languages throughout the last 20 years.
This project is close to my heart and interests me greatly to see what impact AI will have on my profession now and into the future. Most of my work revolves around software design and development using lots of different coding patterns and development methodologies. When I first started in IT the concepts of agile, extreme, kanban, scrum and others simply didn’t exist, indeed AI was only thought of in terms of sci-fi movies. I’m still scared of ‘skynet‘. The evolution of software engineering is both interesting, and with the advent of AI and machine learning, fascinating and to me troubling. While my project is not focused on the ethics of AI I believe that would also be something I would very much like to study at some point in the future as well.
The ethical dilemma of responsiblity for programming automated cars would be interesting to unpack. For now, and to ensure the scope of this subject doesn’t get out of hand, I will focus on AI adoption within the web development industry.